Monday, 24 December 2012


Over these past few weeks I have come across movies,and sayings on not giving up on love.We talk so much about love but I don't think we all stop to really look at love.Love is the reason why we all are here.Love is the reason why we exist,love is the reason why we go after our passions.Love is also the reason that gives us our new families that has been created from Love.Most people get into relationships but don't honour the commitment of love.

Yesterday I went for a wedding and  the priest iniating the wedding ceremony went into details of the importance of the vows one makes to another.He went on to say that a woman or female is holy and if you grow up respecting your mother then you will understand why it is important to respect your wife.If you do not respect your mother,and treat her as your doormat you will not respect your wife and treat her in the same way.Your partner is your equal and together you are one.You are a union.The combination of 1+1=2 but when you look at 2 souls that come together and share a journey together,two paths now become one1+1=1.Love has no religion,and although this was what a priest was saying ,his words was honest and genuine and very true and surpassed me as something relgious.Many people say the vows,but are not spiritually connected to it.Marriage is not easy and it takes time for 2 souls to understand each other yet alone live with each other.Love is growing with each other through all the difficulties of life.This is why one should not give up on love.In our challenges in love and marriage,we should honour our vows and promises that will guide us in the correct path.During thoughts of infidelity's,there is always a conscience  that is asking us questions if what we are doing now will make us regret or be proud of tomorrow.If everyday you question the reactions of actions you wont stray from your path.Sometimes stress of life can take a toll on a person and change their moods which causes one to lash out against their loved ones or do something that could damage a relationship with no repair.Trust and respect which is the most important ingrediants to a happy relationship will not cause you to give up on love.Real love does not come easy and those who do not give up on love, really do love with all their heart and is what an example of real love is.It is through difficulties that is needed.that sometimes  help to show you, your own individual strengths and accomplishments in your relationships.People who go on to love, helping each other through their own weaknessess is to be commended on their bravery in Love.Yesterday I watched this movie called,the lost valentine starring Betty White of how she dealt with Love and how she didnt give up on love either.Love always deserves a chance like a growing tree.When you plant the seeds today,you cant expect a beautiful blooming tree tomorrow.Love is the same,it needs lots of patience,nurturing and love in order to see results.Before you decide to give up on love,look at yourself and ask yourself if you have respected your other half that you chose on this journey with you enough.Have you tried been kind to yourself and then others.If you want kindness to touch your heart you have to be giving it in bundles before you can receive it too.Like always attract like,and anger and hatred attracts the same.Actions towards us is first actions towards others Emotions is always a mirror reflection of what we give out first.If you give out love, love attracts love and there would be no reason on why you would be needing to give up on love

photo courtesy by FEELART

Saturday, 17 November 2012


Many people get married and dream to get married because their parents did and their grandparents did.A long time ago marriage meant that you was going to be a wife and mother, and take care of your household,Now marriage does not hold the same view.Now couples are marrying much later in their lives.A man or a woman will share household duties,share taking care of the kids and both a man and a woman work and share the bills.Marriage used to be more a customary thing,but now marriage is a law thing and compulsory in getting a town house and qualifies entry on asset purchases.In some countries marriages is not necessary.Just living with someone qualifies them in receiving support if they wish to separate and need spousal support if children are involved.

Lets look more about the defintions and types of marriage
The word "marriage" derives from Middle English mariage, which first appears in 1250–1300 CE This in turn is derived from Old French marier (to marry) and ultimately Latin marītāre meaning to provide with a husband or wife and marītāri meaning to get married. (The adjective marīt-us -a, -um meaning matrimonial or nuptial could also be used in the masculine form as a noun for "husband" and in the feminine form for "wife

People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, being in love, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious. Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. The act of marriage usually creates normative or legal obligations between the individuals involved. Some cultures allow the dissolution of marriage through divorce or annulment. Polygamous marriages may also occur in spite of national laws.
Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community or peers. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution irrespective of religious affiliation, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. Forced marriages are illegal in some jurisdictions

I doubt marriage will exist in the far future if so just a minority.It will be a culture shock to those of us that are already married or plan to.Due to expensive divorces people are looking into alternate planning to look after their nest egg that they built for themselves.I often wonder how the world will be from now and often think people wont place that much emphasis in getting married.I also think many people will retain their surnames as more people  become professionals eg,doctors and lawyers or even entertainment.Most professionals  wait much later to get married and are not married when they have practices and prefer to keep their identity and have separate bank accounts than joint accounts.People getting married are just adding on their partners surname to their existing surname as not to lose their identity which they had before they got married.There is some people that take on their husbands surname as their own personal preference but I do think in the far future keeping your own name will be a norm.Visit the link worldwide traditions which gives an insight into the different types of wedding traditions around the world.I think the traditional aspect of the weddings and cultures incorporated into a union will exist but not a legal binding document of marriage in the future.


Saturday, 27 October 2012



We all go through life wondering when the ''right one'' will enter our lives.We spend all our teenage years and young adult lives wondering about this very question.Wouldn't it be nice, if there was no heartaches and heartbreaks wondering if the relationship you are in, is right for you and whether two people are doing the right thing in their lives when they do find each other.It would save alot of time and there would be less divorces in the world.
Last week I came across a movie called ''TIMER''.The sypnosis however if true oh what a wonderful aid that would be!!!!!!.A clock on your wrist that goes off when you meet the one:)

''What if a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate? In this alternate version of present day Los Angeles, a revolutionary device called the TiMER fulfills this very fantasy. For a reasonable installation fee and a moderate monthly charge, a TiMER is implanted in the wrist and promises to accurately display the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds until the owners date with destiny. However, things arent so easy for Oona OLeary (EMMA CAULFIELD, Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Oona faces the rare dilemma of a blank TiMER; her soul mate—whoever and wherever he is—doesnt have a TiMER. While her family and friends move through life with predetermined romantic fates, Oona searches for her perfect match via the process of elimination, tentatively dating TiMER—less men, but never getting emotionally invested. Often, Oona even convinces her suitors to get TiMERs, only to have her hopes crushed time and time again. Staring down the barrel of thirty and tired of waiting for her would—be life partner to get off the dime, Oona breaks her own rules and falls for Mikey (JOHN PATRICK AMEDORI, Gossip Girl), a charming and inappropriately young supermarket clerk with a countdown of four months. But what will happen when those four months are up? Only when Oona ignores the ticking clock can she finally experience the exhilarating and unpredictable hot mess that is love.''

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie but not the ending so much because it ended abruptly and I was like and???????
Do watch it,it at least it gives you hope that maybe one day some gadget like this could exist and its really exciting to watch when the timer goes off,makes you feel like you could have one of those too,to accurately tell you, who belongs to you 

photo courtesy:DIGITAL ART

Saturday, 20 October 2012



I'm thinking to when I was back in school looking around me, at the types of people that sat around me.There was the intelligent people aiming for straight A's and would only associate themselves with people of their own kind.Those are the people will tell you that x+x=x2 because its a proven theory.They were the rational A students.Then I look to the other side and theres the class clowns looking for an opportunity to disrupt the lesson .Their main aim was getting attention, and they didn't have any future goals set in stone.They take every day as it comes.On my far left there's the nerdy ,err not so nerdy computer whizz kids who will prove to you that
 x+x= something more than x2...a new theory and formula that could change the future dynamics of how we process things..On my right theres the ''I tried my best'' group.The hard working people always doing their homework,not necessarily the straight A's,B'S and C's but a little bit of all them.Behind me theres the group just not interested in school failing all their subjects,bunking school,but will wow you because they are extraordinary, and will achieve an A+ in the arts, but fail school.Lets not forget the popular group.They are known just for been beautiful.They get people to do their homework,everybody wants to be around them,they just fly through school thanks to their looks.Part of that group, are the hot girl,bad boy where you just float through school hoping they would just notice you.There's a group I almost forgot to mention which are the quiet shy group,they are the ones that will do homework for others and everybody, that can come into contact with them.They say yes to everybody and will do anything, anybody wants.They hardly have the courage to say no.Hmm now the pool of love has many choices, which one of these people would you rather date?
*A technological whizz creating for the future
*A rational ,straight forward person in the now
*A hard worker at everything
*A physically beautiful bad boy,bad girl
*The sweet shy yes to everybody people
*A funny person  that lives each day as it comes
*A person who failed at everything except one thing which they do brilliantly
While sitting in class I noticed all of these people,but especially for me,I enjoyed talking to people that made me laugh,not necessarily the clowns of the class but the sweet shy ones.Sweet people can be funny too.Their physical looks didn't matter to me.I was really more impressed with their kindness.As I move away from that time and come back to 2012,I find that I have really not changed so much.My experiences have made me wiser but I still am very impressed by and attracted to kind people in all my business and personal relationships.There is a saying that we need to treat people the way we want to be treated.So I guess if you treat people like shit,one day or another shit will come back to you.I live every day reminding myself to be kind to others,as I have remembered all the people that I have came into contact with that, showed me kindness.Although I am not in contact with some people because I wouldn't know what happened to them after college,I sure never have forgotten them.Every now and then they do cross my mind,and I say that was a nice person.

I was watching a BBC series''HOW WE MADE OUR MILLIONS''.A guy by the name of Richard Reed who is CEO and co-founder of a smoothie company ''INNOCENT'' drinks goes on saying that '' the first year he was coming out 44th out of 45 in his class exams,second year he came out 17th  in the class exams and his mum always told him he could do better than that.When I look at this guy he fits into every category,he is creating for the future,straight forward in the now,a hard worker at everything,physically attractive,sweet and probably a yes person to every situation,he sure lives everyday as it comes,he used to fail but now does things brilliantly.Quite a jack in the box and that's how you become an entrepreneur and a recipe for making millions.I don't think everybody will be multi-dimensional like this and there is no rules on who we choose,but we all definitely can strive to be better at anything we do including love.There is a specific trait that will appeal to you about the type of person you choose,that you will be attracted to.Just remember that while you are doing it,don't dismiss anybody in your sights when they appeal ''normal'' because one day they could be the next Bill Gates,President Obama,Richard Branson,Brad Pitt,Ellen Degeneres(what a pun to generous)or Richard Reed and you wish you was kinder to them before it all happened.

Thursday, 27 September 2012


Most women opt for an older guy but how much of the basic answer we hear about women dating older men'' he take cares of me is...
*He has money to take care of all my needs VS
*He provides emotional support and cares for me being already mature

There has been many women opting for older men because he is financially stable.I often wonder which part of a man a woman is attracted to.Not all women rely on men to take care of all their needs.Some women are very independent and run their own successful businesses or work and have their own titles for the companies they work for.On the other hand there is some women who will tell you they look for older men so that they don't need to work so hard so that they can stay at home and concentrate on being beautiful.I did some research and fine tuned this question to get answers as to why some women prefer an older man.The PROS and CONS below are not my views but from real people of the real reasons why women prefer older men

*They are more experienced
*Older men treat women with more respect
*More mature and intelligent than young men
*They are patient with you in every department
*Older men don't waste your time and are ready to give you what you want
*They are supportive
*He's not hanging in the clubs looking at another woman
*He gets the bill every time and doesn't worry about splitting the bill or what the meal costs every time you  go out

*Some older men can be controlling
*Some older men think they can buy you
*They could already be married
*Divorced with children without disclosing that information to you
*You could lead a double life not knowing until its too late
*They can drop you as soon as they get you,trade you in like a car for a newer model
*They are not always ready to go through something twice when you want to the first time around,eg  marriage ,children
*He has too much baggage,ex issues etc

Other good read from

A few weeks ago, a conversation emerged on my Twitter timeline discussing whether or not black women should seek older men for dating and relationships. Many young women may hold the belief that an older man will be more established in his career, more protective and eager to settle down with one woman. Yet, as someone who has dated older, I now know this is not always the case.  There are a few major differences in the way that older men do things that any young black woman should respectfully consider before embarking on a May-December romance.
One of the first factors a woman should weigh is that an older man may not be as mature as she might assume him to be.  The general assumption is that a man of a certain age will be very mature, what with the assumption that he’s gotten all of the partying and “playing” out of his system. A man should be judged individually for what emotional and mental state he presently is in, not for where society dictates he should be at a certain age. My experience has taught me that there are plenty of men who are well into their 30s and 40s who still possess the behavioral traits of an early-20 something, college-campus playboy.  Unless you are looking for a fun and light partnership, such a man – regardless of age – is not the type to pick when ready to settle into a serious relationship. Trust, the old saying, “with age comes wisdom” does not apply to everyone. More or less, the experiences of a man can be what makes him more mature, or what has him getting his Benjamin Button on behavior-wise.
On that note, another major difference that is sure to arise is the large gap in life experiences. Although, a young lady may feel as if she is too mature for men her age, her lack of experience will more than likely cause her to come off as young, inexperienced and even immature in front of an older man. Let’s face it: the things we experience by the time we are in our mid-20s will pale in comparison to the journeys and obstacles we will have endured 10-20 years down the line. A woman in her 20s can only act as what she is – a young adult, no matter how mature she is. Such a difference in life experiences can prove to be thrilling at first. He may be invigorated by her youth, while she is enthralled and inspired by his background and knowledge. But the very things that may cause a strong connection, may threaten it. The power dynamic may be more tipped in the man’s favor due to his array of experiences and age. Being older, the man may be more grounded in his beliefs and habits, being less likely to change them; regardless of how they may affect his partner. The younger woman, on the other hand, may grow weary of the adviser role the man may assume, feeling as if he is being more condescending than mentoring, more stubborn than willing to compromise.
Lastly, a woman should consider if she is ready for what she is asking for in a relationship with an older man. She may feel as if she is ready to settle down, when in actuality that may be the farthest thing she needs, and even understands. An older man may be at the point in his life where he is ready to find a wife – and not just a girlfriend. He may be hoping to get married in a couple of years, with babies soon to follow. A younger woman must really ask herself if she is truly ready to experience such life changing events, and willing to give to her significant other what he is asking for. On the other hand, there are some older men who have already been married and have children, and may not wish to have anymore, or go through the experience a second time around. Because of that, they might want to take things at a snail’s pace. A young woman should weigh whether or not she is ready to make such definite decisions that may affect the rest of her life and alter plans she’s had for herself.
I am, by no means, slamming or demonizing May-December relationships. As I have learned in the past, they can be both thrilling and daunting, and some can be a big success. It all depends on the guy. With more and more articles continuing to question the marriageability of black women, I understand why some may look at men they may not have considered before. And I do advocate for women to keep their choices open as love is such an indiscriminate force. However, I do ask that we keep our heads leveled when trying something new, especially when picking mates who are more seasoned than us.


Thursday, 13 September 2012



Concerning Love,the bad will always happen,but the only way to fix a broken heart is one piece at a time no matter if it is a break up,divorce or death.The only way to heal pain is to bring back the joy in your life.Start doing things that you fear the most and you wont fear anything anymore.Learn to confront your fears so that you can take back control of your life.Once you confront fears,you are in the clear of  doing all the things you love again.

Pain can hurt so much that you can never see beyond your present emotions and situations.Its like being in front of a brick wall.You also cannot be happy in the future if you do not deal with your emotions or pain in the present moment.This time is sincerely hard.You feel like you are all alone in a blackened out room.As you look beyond your pain and grief,taking each day as it comes you will start to see a tiny beacon of light again in that blackened room with you.Every day does become better and that light will shine and become brighter and stronger, and remember that whether its break up,divorce or death all pain feels the same.At some point we go through all types of pain and get to experience it.Time truly does heal believe it or not,but eveyone heals at different times in their lives.Many things are terrible but a blessing in disguise.Remember without night we cant see the day,in order for us to see a new day we need to embrace the night,the same goes with relationships,sometimes you have to go through many relationships before you become ready for the right one.Sometimes those right relationships can be delayed until the universe knows you are truly ready to receive it.Even after the death of a loved one,Love does not end there.So although we loved and feel hurt,our hearts can heal and still love again.Thank the universe for that relationship because it has given you wisdom on how to appreciate and receive the next one.The choice is always yours on the relationships you wish to receive.

Theres a song I really like,no matter which century a person gets the opportunity to listen to it and understand the lyrics,Its one of the best songs describing what hurt can feel like.It also talks about how hurt can teach you many things.

Love hurts,  Love scars,
Love wounds and marks
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain
Love hurts,
Ooo-oo love hurts

I'm young,
I know,
But even so
I know a thing or two, I learned from you
I really learned a lot, really learned a lot
Love is like a flame It burns you when it's hot
Love hurts,
Ooo-oo love hurts

Some fools think
Of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves, I guess
They're not foolin' me
I know it isn't true I know it isn't true
Love is just a lie made to make you blue
Love hurts,
Ooo-oo love hurts

I know it isn't true
I know it isn't true
Love is just a lie made to make you blue
Love hurts,
Ooo-oo love hurts
Ooo-oo, love hurts, Ooo-oo

photo courtesy:by Idea go

Thursday, 6 September 2012



We all have been taken advantaged of at some point in our lives.Sometimes we let it go but when can you risk putting yourself in a bad relationship, only to realize later on in marriage that your partner takes you for granted.There are many sweet people that helped pick up the broken pieces of a relationship,perhaps formed a relationship with someone after they had been dumped,ended up pregnant or something similar along the line and helped put some grace back into shame .Although there is nothing wrong with helping someone to recovery,but you sure dont want to be just somebodys rebound guy or girl.Your needs also need to be met.

Sweet people have to learn to be more assertive to how they want to be treated because people only treat you how you want them to treat you.If you walk into a restaurant and they keep serving you stale or cold food and you never complain or talk to the manger about your dissapointments,the restaurant will always be serving you stale or cold food.Nobody is saying you have to cause a scene and cause all the people to run out but you do need to address your concerns as you are paying for the meal.Someone who is too nice and too sweet will be thinking I dont want to upset them or hurt their feelings because I come here all the time.

There is some men and women that have taken advantaged of their partners and the victims become more like housekeepers or financers or babysitters instead of a partner.They soon end up in a loveless marriage while they partners are busy cheating out of the home.These incidents happen often because some sweet partners are too allowing,to considerate and too helpful and choose to do everything thats asked instead of stressing their dissapointment and anger.By Stressing your feelings in the beginning of your relationship you show your assertiveness and then nobody can take advantage of you.It takes two people to work in a relationship and marriage and no one person should be doing all the work.

So if you are a passive person and feeling taken advantage of:
1)Learn to slowly stress your concerns of a relationship
2)Learn to be frank or upfront but in a non confrontational/angry way
3)Try to start a new relationship instead of picking up the pieces of somebody elses.For passive    people this can be highly stressfull and takes alot of energy to maintain.Passive people are quite rational people and hardly find themselves in trouble.Chances are if you pick up the pieces of another relationship,your partner could find themselves in another situation for you to keep bailing them out.
4)Respect yourself so that others can gain your respect before you comitt to anything
5)Dont be too trusting in everything you hear
6)Take your time to understand people and situations before to start helping anybody.
7)Look for re-occuring patterns of others to not get suckered into their stories.

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Last Night I caught a glimpse of the finale of THE BACHELORETTE.With so many seasons I often wonder if people have found true love on the show.As you know that love cannnot be determined in 30  days or a season.I found it hard to understand if Love was really happening or was it infatuation on the series as many of the luxuries were sponsored.When you look at real relationships,we are not been whisked away everyday on romantic destinations.You know the saying " when life gives you lemons,make lemonade".Its in these times that mostly help you discover who you are ,and the person that best is suited for you.There will be more days when life will give you lemons and I think we need to know more how to communicate on these days than the rosy romantic days.

On a past post I wrote about"If opposites attract?".Sometimes we look for people that are similar to us and think that maybe, they best compliment us.I can understand why on THE BACHELORETTE,the contestant chose someone that was opposite to her.We need people to balance us.If there is someone like us,they too are seeking for someone to balance them.Over time relationships can fail because , 2 people with similar traits, competing for whatever it is they are seeking.There is no way of explaining it but opposite relationships are rewarding because one is the teacher and the other the student and then the roles reverse.At all times you both are growing and learning from each other.

So coming back to the question.Can you be in Love with two people?,yes you can be in love with two people.Hopefully you are not confusing Love with infatuation and Lust and definitely not when you are already married.Love is rewarding and all love is different.I am sure you have dated people and found out what where the things you liked about someone.However if you are not in that relationship anymore,perhaps you were craving the knowledge from learning something new and you couldnt evolve anymore with a person.Sometimes relationships fail because people fail to remind each other of the Love they first started to have for each other.

When you're in Love with two people,you eventually have to weigh down  the person with the most positives in order to choose.I am hoping you are looking for:
1)Is the person Caring?
2)Is the person honest?
3)Can this person sail some storms with  you?We all need some storms to help us decide.
4)Is this person helpful?
5)Do they support your dreams?
6)Can they sacrifice things in their life for you?
7)Do they contribute financially with you for a comfortable life
8)Do they spoil you?This is not a must ,but we all need this from time to time when money allows, to remind each other the love we have for them.


Friday, 10 August 2012



I just watched Julie and Julia starring Meryl Streep on TV the other day.Its one of those movies that you have to tell someone else about.Sometimes theres movies we go out to watch but you never know just by looking athe movie poster,that after watching it you will feel more inspired than ever.

We all have been in a job with a dead beat boss,with an average life of just living to work,pay bills and repeat for a lifetime.Although this movie is about 1 person being inspired to cook 300 something recipes by a deadline out of a well known cookbook,this movie teaches you so much more about your life,the other half of you"him" thats very important in your life standing by your failures as well as your success.It teaches you about dreams and its okay to have one.It teaches you about self-...
discipline,learning to complete the tasks that you start out in your life,all of which is pretty awesome if I have to say so for myself.

I learned that its okay when your life does not exactly match your friends and their success.We all get there one day or another.I also learnt that you dont have to be a chef but in your lifetime its very important to know how to cook,Its just like getting your licence,its the vehicle to survive hunger and a reminder to what home always smells like.It definitely makes a house a home

You have to watch it to experience it all.I can write out the whole movie here but it just wont be the same..and I hope you do:)
photo courtesy by digital art

Thursday, 9 August 2012


You might think that theres no such thing as spending too much time on yourself,and I believe that if you take good care of yourself then you can care better for others.Although that is true but if you are in a relationship sometimes its hard to see when we are over doing it just a tad.

I highlighted the Blue as the guy and Pink as the girl.Now this is just a example of two people who live with each other and how they manage their week.Nobody really writes down what they will be doing in a week except business meetings. In order to have a balanced relationship its nice to experiment and do this excercise for a month.Its more of a personal test on how much time you spend doing your things,how much time your partner spends doing his/ her things and how much time you both spend doing things together.Its always nice to know on average what you most spend your time on and what you need to focus on time puting towards.On your calendar that you both can share,write down your activties and everything else that consumes your time.From looking at the example above you can see the guy spends alot of time being busy and the girl just twice in the week.Just by looking at it they both didnt have plans to spend together.In a relationship that can be bad when we spend too much time on things we want to do.Although I think its important to have your own interests it is important to make time for each other.We have to learn to make time for each other.If we allow time to consume us then we may never be able to realize it and only too late when the relationship has expired.If  this excercise has helped you,continue to use it so that it can help you keep a track of me time,your partner time and couple time.At least if any fights occur you have proof than one of you was spending too much time on themselves and helps put situations in a better perspective so the next time you can get a wild card to do whatever you want:)If this excercise has helped you,drop me a comment and let me know if it has helped you.

Sunday, 22 July 2012


Is there really such a thing as chance or do we just have the appearance of chance and everything is orchestrated to get us to the point of where we were meant to be?Did you ever lose your keys only to get so late that you were late for work but also missed a huge accident?.Did you get stuck in traffic only to realize that if it were not for the traffic you would have been killed in a terrorist attack?When I think about the September 911 incident I think about all the detours that were put in place so that the people who were meant to survive were delayed that day in various ways for some reason.

Last night I watched a movie on tv ''THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU'' starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.Totally magnificent movie,which is put in the SCI-FI THRILLER category.The Bureau is a group of people,I 'd like to think they are from another portal,maybe intelligent aliens that we cant really understand in this point in time, who adjusts events so that mistakes or accidents happen to alter the destinations or so called life paths of this 2 individuals.However they are willing to sacrifice all the plans that was pre-set for them just so that they can be together.Ok I just spoiled the ending for you but it s a great movie to get you thinking WHO IS CHANCE?Is chance God,Is chance our guardian angels,is chance just  coincidences,but how does a scene in our lives repeat itself so that at some time we are at the exact time in the exact place no matter where in the world we are to meet an important person so that it could complete the ''meeting".What we do with that meeting is entirely up to us but you cant help but wonder how hard ''CHANCE'' was working to clear the path so that a particular event could happen

Remember the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE when Michael J fox had to go back to the past to reset the events to help get his parents to meet.Several times it almost didnt happen.It makes you wonder how hard CHANCE tries so that if it does not happen the first time for some odd reason,the timing is re-orchestrated again so that 2 individuals can meet again of which we are unaware of.Michael J fox saw himself disappearing on the photograph and knew he had to get his parents together.It was a fighting task.So the next time you're complaining in traffic just calm down and think that maybe'' CHANCE'' is busy working their magic for someone else.

The great thing I've learned is that when we are willing to risk everything,fame,money just to live life and share it with someone else that we think has changed us for the better then life is so much more valued and worth living.If you listen to the stories of old people,its the only advice you'll need.When you get to that age,when you've been there,done that,seen and experienced life then the material way of life is a waste of time.Old people will tell you but you dont need to be old to realize it,you can start living right now and appreciating everything that comes your way:)I always say hugs and kisses are free,take it.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Many couples came forward telling the the stories of how they had a brief fling only that it was too late to fix the relationship due to the trust factor that keeps re-surfacing.
Women tell that the only reason they take back a cheating husband is because of the children and they even opt for counseling,but once they try to mend the relationship,the trust factor at the back of your head is always there and so eventually the relationship does break apart because you live with a person you dont know anymore.

Men tell that they have flings only because of the sex and maybe they just get bored in their intimacy within the marriage because its not there anymore.It does not mean they dont love their wives.The wives dont agree and think that if you love someone you cant be that stupid to risk everything just for a brief moment of pleasure.Women also say that they too know when the intimacy decreases in their relationship.They would also want to have that in a relationship but when you start a family the responsibilties changes within a home.Its not that you dont want to make time for intimacy but cooking,cleaning and the kids can sometimes take away all your time and theres little time left for intimacy.Eric Anderson authour of THE MONOGAMY GAP:MEN LOVE AND THE REALITY OF CHEATING interviewed 120 men and discovered those who cheated did so because they were sexually bored and unsatisfied with having sex with one person.

If men who cheat,then their other reason was that they were not bored with the person but just bored in not having sexual variety.
Although men who end their affairs always get caught because the other woman always wants more and threatens his job,threatens to come clean with his wife or the wife eventually suspects her husbands strange behaviours.Most men are not open with the communication with their wives and think if they ask for more sexual intimacy,that this could upset their wives.Then theres the wives that dont take the gesture seriously and so the men stray.This should not be an excuse for straying though as I do believe women would also like more intimacy. If men can help with the kids,the cleaning or the cooking this can leave more time for couples to spend together and solving the problem of flings.Some Men do have the habit of coming home and expecting a spotless home,dinner on the table and kids already put to bed and still expect all the intimacy with that.Its nearly impossible to do all of it with a family of young kids.I do realize its an important factor in a happy marriage and women should realize it in their marriage and learn to ask for help and learn to request date nights during the week so that you dont lose the spark in your own relationship.

The thing about flings whether its a man or woman when someone has been unfaithful how can you not live in fear of them hurting you again.If someone has a thought of a fling in their mind they should think twice before they gamble away a good relationship that took years to build only to throw it away on one fling.Whereas a relationship that you invested love and time in,it only takes communication to help you realize what was missing or how you can add something again that you once had before.

photo courtesy:Simon Howden

Tuesday, 12 June 2012



When we think about our interests we sometimes think that the person who shares all our interests is the right person we should be seeking  a potential partner in.For years we have been looking in one direction only.I've come to realise that the most important thing when seeking a potential partner is having a healthy conversation.You don't need to be amazed or seem interested in all of your partner or future partners interests but engaging in some of it shows appreciation that their interests are important to you because they are important to you.When you come to think of it all people can be loving,kind,caring no matter what their interests are.The question of opposites attracting is merely based on  interests which we cannot form a basis on for all relationships.

When you look at the entire situation you will come to realise that we all form part of a smaller piece to a puzzle.When we use our interests and talents to help and compliment each other then we make for a happy relationship.Yes we do have a varying amount of interests.Having your own interests not only keeps you busy but it makes you YOU.Having your own interests not only keeps you happy and active but allows you the quality time to appreciate each other when you do spend time together.Sometimes the reason for opposites attracting is that unconsciously we seek to be more of what is missing in our so called DNA and so an introverted person who comes into contact with an extroverted person who will now be able to take on a new challenge that they might not have taken on their own and grow as a person.An opposite personality attracting will help create balance to what you need in your life.This also goes for an extrovert.If a person is zippy racing through life,they may not be able to see what they are doing,to stop and smell the roses once in a while.Only an introverted person will be able to show this person what they would have missed whilst becoming so busy doing anything and everything in sight.Meeting opposites does have success because our lifestyles becomes balanced and a healthy relationship is all about creating a healthy balance.This does not necessarily mean that we have to look for opposites because if extroverted or introverted people meet opposites and either one suggested something.They would probably think you want to change them and so it wont work for people who are stubborn.Creating balance happens gradually and when both people who have qualities of honesty,kindness and patience first,you can apply the rules of opposites and watch how you will grow and change positively in your relationship living a balanced lifestyle for each other.

photo courtesy:digitalart

Tuesday, 24 April 2012



When I sit in business meetings I often wonder if Love is very much like business deals.If you think about it,the people who are more firm or more confident and dont back down in a deal are usually the successful ones.The other party is usually surprised by your forcefulness and takes this as a strong person to take a chance on or taking a chance on something of what they dont know of what it is that will happen.Guess what I'm trying to say is that if you are not showing desperation and you can sometimes walk away without a deal being done,sometimes this makes you stronger and successful and the other person can respect this.You are confident in your beliefs and what you stand for.

So does Loving Less make you stronger?Yes and No.Not intentionally"Loving Less" but pretending to Love Less that is not desperate.If You look back to your teenage years you probably blabbed out everything that was in your mind to the person you liked.Then you thought oh shoot he/she is going to think Im a looney bin.Too much too soon.Its ok being honest but just think how would you react in a business meeting.You go in all prepared,with a concise plan in mind ,pack that confidence in and do what you have to do.Everything comes out beautifully.Perhaps you will be called in for a second meeting to discuss further or even a third meeting where you kind of know the gist of how to communicate with the person in front of you.You can gather from this that you will be able to have a great working relationship in the future and look at  ways in how you can carry each other towards success.Approaching Love is very much like the same thing.Off course there will be times where Love does not work according to appointments,it just happens.So if you just saw someone you were immediately interested in and see often,you would not say ''Hey babe can I have your number?".Dont say "Oh my god I really want to get your number because when I saw you coming,then I thought maybe I should,then I was hesistating and decided I would talk to you''.As sweet as you can be, that comes across very desperate and you dont want to invite some loser that will take advantage of you and get stuck in that pattern of choosing people who know you dont have the confidence.Something that does not relate to what your real intentions are, can work just fine.Like:
"Hi there,are you new?Im so and so,welcome to...",if somebody moved in your office building or apartment block.Its friendly without sounding too forward but it allows for someone to take notice in you.
Coming back to Loving Less making you stronger.It does not necessarily mean you dont have to love someone wholeheartedly.Give yourself time to get to know the other person,Give yourself time to get to know yourself because most of us dont really know who we are,what we are looking for and we dont need to settle for second best.This is what I mean by Loving less in the begininning that  does make you stronger because it allows you to put your confidence out in the world so the right people can find you.The right person is someone that is on your page and believes in your dreams,aspirations and future success just like their own.Love Less just in the beginning until you can intrepret where this relationship is heading.You know how Business is done,you do work and you get paid and vice versa.If you are contributing something to this relationship you should feel like the other person has your back too by contributing as well.This will make for a good partnership because it becomes stable as two people contribute towards the same goal.So business or personal this is how the deal is done.Shall we shake on that?

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


I aint got a clue on this one.For many years I challenged myself to find the answer to this question.The answer varies from different races when I asked them.Im not sure if its a culture or race thing or a time period thing.I was raised very traditional so moving in with a guy is a huge taboo in my family without being married first.If marriage didnt exist maybe it would not be such a bad thing that is moving in together but there are still many people that feel the need to be married.I think  60 years from now marriage will eventually be obselete but for now many people still pose the question of what they should be doing.It basically is up to your personal requirements.If you are laidback and casual you would move in together if you are conservative and need direct answers you would move in together after marriage.There is alot of pros and cons to moving in together and not moving in together.You decide:)

-When you move in together you get a feel to what it would be like being married.
-You get to see whether your personal living qualities will match your partners
-You have an exit point instead of getting a costly divorce
-Fix problems before it arises in marriage

-You get too used to each other and after getting married the romantic side of the relationship goes downhill because you aleady" been there,done that alot".This leaves room for infidelity.
-You make it too easy for your partner so there is nothing he needs to chase after  or work towards because the environment is comfortable.Men dont feel the need to pop the question.Ever heard the term men always want what they cant have.
-You clash over silly things like how to squeeze the toothpaste or keeping places tidy to your liking and using that clashes as a basis for a good marriage.Kim Kardashian had huge issues for her space been tresspassed or violated.Its sad when people think this is the most important basis for the success of a relationship.
-Buying a property is a serious decision in your life.Most people will vouch if you are buying a property for yourself.When purchasing with a partner , you have no idea if you are serious or not,this can be disastrous if the rlationship had to end.Sometimes Mr Right can be a while away.It puts you in alot of financial straints for yourself as you keep putting yourself at financial risk for many Mr Wrongs.
-More chances of you guys getting pregnant,something like starting a family so soon,which may not be on your list at the time.This takes time away from each other and your own activities.

-You get to meet many people whilst not announcing it to friends and family so that if it doesnt work out you can always move on
-You dont have any financial ties with the person you just broke up with
-You keep the relationship alive by your partner still pursuing you.If he is not still pursuing you then obviously know you did the right thing by not being together because if you both were married he is someone that would stray.
-Gives you enough time to focus on your own careers,lives whilst keeping a romantic relationship.You are not bored with each other because you dont live together.It allows you to continue this in your marriage too.
-You are now married,financially stable and ready to start a family with someone you know that wanted the same as you
-Chances are you would probably fight about toothpaste because you never lived together but you realize the endurance you both were striving for in your relationship to get this far and see it as a minor flaw.
-You value marriage as something sacred and dont always look for divorce as the easy way out.If there are problems you will find the way in marriage to fix it.

-You dont get to know everything about your partner till you are married
-You only find out after you were married, the problems that arise
-You already have children while you and your partner have marital problems
-Divorce is the only way out


Tuesday, 17 April 2012



The cheating game is like the wheel depicted in the tarot deck.The wheel of fortune but for a temporary time only. For centuries women fell prey and still fall prey to believing that something good will always come out of being the " other woman'' in a relationship.They believe that eventually the man will leave his homestead,wife and family for her.Being the other woman feels like a dream,to be whisked away spending each night in luxury hotels,dining at the most expensive restaurants.Diamonds and pearls sparkling away on your neck wrist and fingers.Soon that dream is over once you start falling in love.Any cheating man knows when that game is over.When a woman plays the game so well and one night she wants to " cuddle".

Although technology has changed over the years and continues to change making life simplier ,the cheating game has remained the same for centuries.Being a mistress is all fun in the beginning.Theres so much to gain,a great career,more luxury,a superb car but at the end of the day we are human and our hearts eventually crave the real love which were once replaced with material things.Every woman that enters the love triangle goes in thinking that she will be the only object of affection for the man she is cheating with.Little does she know that he has enough money to find a new mistress each and every time.The more the money,and the younger the better.I've watched several talk shows where the guests are " other woman'' and feel quite proud at being it too.Years later when their physical youth is no more,the only thing left to show is a broken heart.They are back on the show explaining their ignorance to their past love affairs.Luxury is temporary numbness to your heart.Eventually it gives way and exposes the hurt that you cause your own self.
Why do woman feel the need to be a mistress?
There is usually a deep root cause for substituting one of the following to fill that missing void.
-Lack of love from all the men in her life
-Using her body for material gains filling that void
-Not paying attention and ignoring what her heart really wants and is telling her
-Subsitituting wealth for emotion.

As with any human being.We all crave Love.The only way we can find Love that was missing in our lives is when:
- We start respecting our bodies like a temple in which it was created for.Respecting ourselves first
-We tell ourselves that there is nothing wrong with us and we are perfect in every way.
-We command respect and we shall receive it from all.
-We take charge of our weaknessess and focus awareness on it
-We concentrate on our strengths that will help take us away from tempting situations.

Being a mistress only leads you full circle on helping you realize why you spent so many years chasing something that could not really make your life complete.I hope one day women will catch a wake up call and start respecting themselves more.Even if you are an independant woman with your own money,craving love that you will never get only wastes time that you could spend on your own spiritual growth.

There is an article from a mistress who published a book based on her experience being a mistress.

photo courtesy by:Salvatore Vuono

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


No matter how positive you can be,there are always the events and setbacks  that makes us take a backseat in our lives.I was having one of those  "if only days".You know when you're told you have to be patient about all the things you want in your life but nothing ever happens.That time goes from weeks to months to years and then eventually your patience runs out.
I had not checked my mail in a long time and then I received this mail and the words jumped right out at me like "Hey Im talking to you,I hope you're listening!!''.I felt really guilty because I am guilty of comparing.If I just had a little bit more help and ..If only I had.....then I could.. .In all of our personal relationships you can have all that you want but whats true is instead of looking at someone elses life or relationship,try looking at your own.The more time you focus on our own life you could actually have what you want.The following extract is from the email I received.Its so inspirational,I thought I'd share it.

There's an old saying: "The grass is always greener on the other side."
At some point in life, everyone looks at their circumstances and thinks,
"If only... If only I had a better job. If only my spouse were like
so-and-so. If only I had gone to college. If only I had the
opportunities so-and-so had." We look around and think everyone else has
it better than we do. But I believe comparison is just a trick of the
enemy to get us off course and keep us from God's best. Comparison is
the thief of joy, and if the enemy can steal our joy, he has stolen our
source of strength.

See, I don't believe the grass is greener on the other side; I believe

the grass is greener where you water it. In other words, we have to tend
to the things that are important to us if we want to see those areas of
our lives blossom and grow. If you want better relationships, you have
to invest in the people around you. If you want a better job, you have
to invest in your skill set to qualify for that job and then go after it.

We all have the capacity to come up higher. God has given us all
tremendous opportunities, but if we are focused on what everyone else
has, we'll miss out on what God has especially for us!

Today, instead of comparing, decide to cultivate the dry, follow areas
of your life. Begin to water and invest in the areas in which you want
to see change."
photo courtesy  by scottchan

Thursday, 15 March 2012



Just the other day I was staring blankly at the tv and I just thought..Can you imagine how much money we just spend on experiences.We pay money to go to the movies.After you watch the movie what happens?Its just stored in our brain.All humans do is process this information thats just being viewed and payed for.When you think about it you actually paid money for an experience and the emotion that comes with it. Even taking your family out to a fast food restaurant,its a simple experience and memory to treasure but its still paid for.We pay for expensive clothes,shoes,gadgets,cars just so that we can feel a certain emotion that comes with it.When you think about it its really strange how humans behave.Of course theres the basic things that we need but then we are always chasing the next new thing.This behaviour has become erradical,adding things to our life that we dont really need.

What about all the things that exists in front of you.The birds that visit everyday on a tree near your kitchen window.Writing your name on a misty car window.The smell of your favourite food being cooked in the kitchen by your mum or even listening to the voice of your partner on the other end of the telephone.Memories and experiences will live with you till your golden years but you want to make sure its the memories that will make you smile and shed a tear.You dont want to grow old thinking you spent all this time on the internet tweeting and counting how many likes you had on a page or comment or who sent you an email on your mobile.To create RICH memories and experiences to the fullest,we have to go back to minimal.No pun intended:D

Theres one man who I admire so much who is a great example of how we should be living.The second richest man in the world,Warren Buffet who donated $31 billion dollars to charity.No wonder he is so rich because he is so generous too.The way he lives his life is so down to earth he definitely knows how to really live life to the fullest.

Here are some interesting aspects of his life:
1.- He bought his first share at age 11 and now regrets that he started too late.
2.- He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3.- He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in Omaha that he bought after he married 50 years ago. He says he has everything he needs in that house. His house has no fence or gate.
4.- He drives his own car everywhere and does not carry a driver or bodyguard.
5.- He never travels by private jet, although he owns the largest private jet company in the world.
6.- His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls regularly.
7.- He has given his CEO’s only two rules:

• Rule 1: Do not lose any money from its shareholder.
• Rule 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

8.- He does not socialize with people of high society. His pastime after he gets home is to prepare some popcorn and watch television.
9.- Bill Gates, the world’s richest man met him 5 years ago. Bill Gates thought he had nothing in common with Warren Buffett. So he had scheduled the meeting for only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffett.
10.- His advice to young people:
Stay away from credit card and invest in yourself.
Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk

Dont you love rule number 10.Invest in yourself and I dont always think it means monetary.It can also be taking care of yourself in health and when you do this you can take care of others too. 
Make sure when you find that someone special in your life you dont get caught up in the rat race of life and you have time to snuggle with popcorn in front of the tv or find time to act silly:)Those memories are priceless!!!!


Tuesday, 6 March 2012



When we are born into this world,we come in with many challenges to face.Part of living our lives on earth is to learn the rule of acceptance and love.Learning the rule of acceptance and love towards ourselves.Who can love us, if we don't start to love ourselves first.On my previous post I spoke about origins of blame.When we learn to understand where our insecurities lye we can begin to heal ourselves from within first.The next step is to look in the mirror and start to accept who you are as a soul before you just ignore the image in the mirror that looks back at you every day.Diseases are not something purposely given to us.It might be put in our path because of some emotional issue we are ignoring that needs to be addressed right away.This starts to manifest and grow into a disease and starts to kill our body slowly.Your body usually shows signs'of what issue you are putting of.Believe it or not this also starts to affect your relationships.Bad thoughts and emotions help disease grow.Positive thoughts about yourself and situations can change you DNA structure.

Remember that eating healthy food and force starving yourself to be thin is not something postive.Hating your body still equals negative no matter how great you look on the outside.Did you know that Steve Jobs was a vegan but still died of cancer.Sometimes you wonder how could a person that eats so healthy die vs a person that eats junk food and smokes and drinks.Perhaps the unhealthy person is not taking care of their body but they are happy inside.Hey I am not saying we should be swallowing down grease but I am saying  that we all should be happy.I heard a quote the other day"we are not mind,body and spirit,we are mind,body,emotion and spirit".The emotion plays a very big part in our lives.If we are happy and content we wont find the need for drugs or alcohol in excess.There is some emotion that is not resolved to drive a person onto the edge of living dangerously.
Below is an extract of what emotions connects what parts of our bodies that we are ignoring.It can help us immediately to identify what we should be paying attention to in our lives

A. The Skeletal System
ANKLES: Important for grounding, stability & mobility. Support our entire weight. Is your support system letting you down? Unable to stand alone. When our beliefs are being questioned, there is nothing to hold us upright.

SPRAINED ANKLE: Lack of flexibility for the direction we are going in. Can't put your foot down about some issue, won't take a stand for your truth. Unwilling to step forward.

SWOLLEN ANKLES: Holding of emotional energy, frustration or resistance to letting go. Weight of emotional burden too great.

HEEL SPUR: Holding on tight to reality, a stubborness indicating a fear of change.

COLD FEET: Emotional uncertainty, withdrawal or resistance to what lies ahead.

LEG INJURY: Not having a leg to stand on.

KNEE WON'T FLEX: Not willing to give in to authority.

KNEE WON'T EXTEND: Giving in, unable to stand up to authority.

HIP: Fear of moving forward.

LOW BACK INJURY: Most dominant value or issue of one's life is being threatened, for example, family, relationships or finances.

SCOLIOSIS: Mother & father issues, trying to please both parents, mainly involves the daughter.

SHOULDERS: Carrying other people's problems for too long. Burden of taking everything on for others. Unable to reach out.

FROZEN SHOULDER: Where are we giving or receiving coldness?

ELBOWS: Are we opening our arms to embrace the world? Fear of opening to the
future & not embracing that which is ahead of you. Elbowing someone out of the way or elbowed out of the way.

HANDS: Giving & receiving. Can't hold on or can't release. We want to reach out & touch, but fear of insecurity is holding us back.

SWEATY HANDS: Nervous, anxious, scared about what you are doing.

COLD HANDS: Withdrawing feelings from an activity or feeling fearful of being involved.

PINS AND NEEDLES OR NUMBNESS: Person doesn't want to feel.

FINGER INJURY: Pointing the finger.

NECK INJURY: Futility, not knowing which way to turn. refusal to see other person's point of view because of fear. Stiff, inflexible thinking.

HEADACHES: Self criticism. Fear. Invalidating the self. Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears. Conflict inside yourself about how you will do & what you will say or what you will accomplish. One part of you is looking forward to an event & other part is fearing the event.

MIGRAINE: Not listening to the message of your soul, conflict with the inner voice, resistance to listening to inner voice.

JAW PROBLEMS: Generalised stress, wanting to express & holding back. Can't swallow.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: Overly self-critical or judgmental attitude & low self esteem. Not living up to parent's expectations.

RHEUMATOID HANDS: Not able to give because hands can't open, desire to hit out at something.

JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: Fear of the loss of a parent, or support of a parent. Fear of being alone.

ARTHRITIS: Criticism, wearing away, stiffness, deep resistance or fear of movement. Overly critical attitude & resentment towards what one is doing or what is being done to them, which results in wearing away joy & gratitude. Resistant & hardening of one's attitude towards life or expression of feeling. Not expressing our deeper feelings. Anger, irritation or frustration with ourselves or someone else. Inflexible thinking. Rigid joints become useless because they have lost their purpose, which is movement.

INFLAMATION: Resistance to what is happening, a build up of angry emotions. Irritating issue that is restricting your expression. Feel hot & fired up inside. Critical & inflexible.

INFECTIONS: Boils. Anger.

CHRONIC PAIN: Long term fear & guilt.

BONE FRACTURE: Inflexibility, resistance to going with the flow. We break when there is resistance to movement. Feeling fractured & split into pieces. Deep split or conflict at the very core/centre of our being. Divided loyalties.

BRITTLE BONE DISEASE: Entire core & foundation of one's existence is threatened. Top value system is threatened. Whole reason for being here is threatened.

SCLEROSIS: Anger, not living up to expectations.

OSTEOPOROSIS: Thinning of life force flowing through the bones due to a sense of giving up.

SCAR TISSUE: For example, calcification, degenerative joint disease.
Unwilling to let go of the lopsided perception. Stuck consciousness. Locked in attitudes. Anger, hardness.

ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: Calcification, rigidity, scar tissue. Value systems are rigid.

PAGETS DISEASE (THICKENING OF BONE): Hardening of consciousness. Priority or core value burdening the person or putting stress on the person's body. Trying to live up to parent's authority. Outer soft persona (soft spoken, calm, gentle) holding in their repressed anger - deep hard persona.

MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE: Unable to express anger.

MULTIPLE SCEROSIS: MS restricts and limits movement indicating that the expression of feeling is being suppressed. Moving in a direction one doesn't want to go. Unable to deal with change. Feeling of lost opportunity. Losing a sense of self and purpose and direction.

B. The Respiratory Tract
LUNG: Frustration, grief, not being able to do things your way.

ASTHMA: Inabiltiy to inhale, have inspiration for life. Inability to breathe for one's self. Feeling stifled. Suppressed crying. Can't breathe - can't enjoy life because not satisfied with yourself, and doing things that are not in your best interest. Frustration of not finding a way of pleasing the parents. Doing things the way others want you to.

SINUS: Irritation at one person. Feeling scattered and overwhelmed. Frightened about the future. Low self worth and low self esteem. Unable to break free of old patterns. Don't know which way to go to solve the issue. Repressed grief and unshed tears. Need to release blockage to become unstuck.

PHENUMONIA (INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS): An issue inflaming your feeling about breathing - taking in of life. Feeling exhausted or overwhelmed by burden of having to cope. Longing to stop and take time out. Needing help but unable to ask for it. Has someone knocked the wind out of you?

EMPHYSEMA: Not doing things your way. Not being yourself. Can't exhale, so can't get enough life.

ALLERGIES: Rejection of people, places, events and objects. Who or what is annoying or aggravating you? Allergic to yourself and aggravated with what you're doing or not doing to yourself or for yourself.

COUGH: Wanting to get rid of the emotions of not being your own master.

COMMON COLD: Virus attacks you because of negative attitudes. Leaving yourself out and not being in control of yourself. Crying or grieving that is being repressed. Unshed tears. This can follow the death of a loved one or an emotional shock. Have you gone emotionlly. A common cold is called common because it is common not to express how we feel.

INFLUENZA: (means to come under the influence of): Not wanting to do what someone else has told you to do & feeling guilty. Someone or something is having a strong influence on you, therefore, creating doubt & undermining sense of identity or purpose. Allows time to build your inner strength.

BRONCHITIS (Bronchii bring air to the lungs & take used air back again, therefore, communicate between the inside & outside the world): Needing to get something off your chest. Needing to release & let go. Feeling smothered by someone. Coughing & bringing up mucus rather than sharing your feelings. Something irritating you that you need to externalise. Thinking that you're not doing things your way.

NOSE BLEEDS: Damage to a blood vessel because not satisfied with yourself, therefore, pushing yourself too hard to show that you can do things just as well as others.

C. Cardiovascular disease
No love or joy in one's life. Extreme feeling of loss. Not expressing love & joy with other people.
VASCULAR PROBLEMS: Relates to circulation, which is giving & receiving joy. Hopelessness, futility, confusion, cannot fulfil purpose.

STROKE: As for Vascular problems.

ANGINA: Perception of a loss or something missed.

HEART ATTACK: Giving & receiving joy is blocked. Not living for yourself & blocking yourself from living your purpose.

VARICOSE VEINS: Unwillingness to receive joy. The more distal. the more prolonged the block to receive.

ANEURISM: Splitting the 2 sides of an artery. Division of male & female energies. Block between male & female sides of one's parents, one's self or one's children. Anger with mother or father.

INTERNAL BLEEDING: Hiding of internal sorrow.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ( Blood = life energy within a body, movement/circulation of love & vitality through the body): Increased pressure. Anger. Stress. Feelings not being expressed, creating a build-up of inner pressure.

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: Resistance to entering into life fully & fearlessely. Inner weakness & desire to pull back, unable to stand without feeling dizzy or overwhelmed.

ANAEMIA: Decreased number of red blood cells, issues with the masculine side. (Red blood cells have an aggressive function because they transport oxygen for the body to function).

HAEMOPHILIA: Not loving yourself for the things you believe you have done.

LYMPHODEMA (Blocked Lymphatic System): Similar to venous system, white blood cell problem. Swelling of lymph glands. Perception that not receiving joy or love from the mother.

D. Gastrointestinal System
BLOATING/FLUID RETENTION: Accumulation of your emotions in the small intestine.

ULCERS: Eating at you, trouble doing something to resolve an issue. Inability to assimilate the new.

GALL STONES (Gall Bladder Stores & Concentrates Bile): Bitterness, hard thoughts, condemning, pride, resentment. Unwilling to let go of the perception of being locked in. Trying to please others but feeling bitter about it.

LIVER- HEPATITIS, CIRRHOSIS, CANCER ( the liver detoxifies): Anger & primitive emotions. Chronic complaining. Justifying fault finding to deceive yourself. Not learning about why you allow others to hurt your feelings.

STOMACH (Function of digestion, absorption, churns & breaks down food. Part of the defence mechanism of body during digestion with gall bladder, pancreas & small intestine): Can't take in new ideas, can't stomach it, can't digest it. Churning it over in your mind. Prolonged uncertainty. Feeling of doom, inflexibility, resistance, over sympathetic. Fear of new, can't break it down.

PANCREAS (Neutralises acid chyme from the stomach as it enters the small intestine & secretes insulin & glucagon in carbohydrate metabolism):
• HYPERGYCAEMIA/DIABETES: Unwilling to listen to anyone, not willing to be directed. Stuck in self-righteousness. Bitterness, especially towards father. Anger & frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness.
• HYPOGLYCEMIA: Listening to everyone's opinion, will do whatever the person is told by others. Stuck in self-wrongness persona. Low self worth, wanting to be directed. Infatuation with mother. Anal retentive.
• CYSTIC FIBROSIS: Constant destruction of pancreatic system. Sweetness/bitterness issue. Trying to please everyone but didn't get attention. Trying to get attention through anger, resentment & didn't get attention, therefore, bitterness. Trying to please everybody but holding all their bitterness inside. Futility in trying to get attention from the parents.

SMALL INTESTINES (Assimilation and absorption of nutrients):
IRRITABLE BOWEL: Refusal to take charge. Not assimilating and completely scattered. Victim mentality. Trying to please everyone.

COLON (Collects, stores & moves waste products of digestion):
CROHNS DISEASE/COLITIS (Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, bleeding, ulceration): Inflexible opinion, fear of letting go of things from the past. Holding onto old beliefs and ideas that they feel fear and guilt about. Insecurity, fear and nervousness when confronting the unknown, strong belief that you are not good enough. What is twisting and distorting you?

DIVERTICULITIS: Holding onto issues with the mother. Supressing one's own activity. Fear and guilt about being unsociable and not outflowing one's own emotions.

Wanting to pass on knowledge but believing it will not be accepted. Bleeding due to anger. Holding onto anger backs up to liver. Trying to push or force some issue in one's life.

DIARRHOEA: Letting go of your ideas, goals, issues when you believe you can't have what you want. Feeling that you have been emotionally hit in the guts. The feeling that you are being poisoned by an issue or another person. Something you want to get rid of because there is too much to deal with. Not
knowing how to assimilate your feelings, feeling helpless inside. Lack of absorption.

CONSTIPATION: Suppression of one's ideas, opinions and holding on and not expressing it. Fear of the future, fear of the unknown, uncertainty about what lies ahead.

HERNIA: Wakening or collapse because because one tries to cope with too much at once and strains under the weight. Person strains to do everything right and therefore, pushes too far. Inner longing to release what is being restrained.

APPENDICITIS (Appendix aids the immune system and is a filter connected to the intestinal tract): Breakdown of the ability to filter incoming reality and to protect ourselves from that reality.

E. Cancer
CANCER: Deep hurt, long standing resentment eats away at the body. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatred, futility. Last ditch effort to get person to love.

BREAST CANCER: Not appreciating one's nurturing side. Never wanting to nurture or not having the opportunity to nurture.

BRAIN TUMOURS: Deep core value system screwed up. Spiritual belief undermined, their connection to God has been cut off. They have lost the belief that there is someone watching over them.

TESTICULAR CANCER: (TESTICLES STORE CREATIVE FORCES) Repression or expression of creative forces in one persona. Extreme elation or depression about creativity particularly sexual creativity. Extreme fear or guilt about sexual expression or suppression.

LEUKAEMIA: Disconnected with the feminine side. Issues with the female. Anger & resentment with the female. Self righteous feminine persona. Increased number of white blood cells (part of the protective, defence, immune system).

F. Skin conditions
SHINGLES: High overwhelming stress, something you don't want to face that is totally humiliating you. Feeling guilty about what you don't want to face, you fear you will be found out about. Issue of unworthiness brought on by stress which depletes the immune system. A deep anxiety or inner pain that has been building up over a period of time.

PSORIASIS: Unwillingness to face something. Believing you are not worthy of loving or living. Wanting to please a parent, no matter what the child does, can't get appreciation from parents. Feeling of deep shame or guilt about an issue, so covering up the skin as a mask.

ACNE: Not wanting to face up to new things, so living in the past. An eruption of all the conflicting & tormented feelings locked inside. The eruptions represent the longing for release to accept yourself & find your inner beauty.

ECZEMA/DERMATITITIS: Feeling unworthy or inadequate. Trying to keep the world at a distance. Someone or something getting under your skin, or feeling overexposed. Extreme sensitivity to circumstances & emotions around you. Isolating & locking yourself inside because of fear in coming out.

VITILIGO: Skin pigmentation. Thinking yourself as ugly & not wanting to face looking at yourself. A dominant self-deprecating persona.

G: female reproductive system
UTERUS (Home of creativity, symbol of womanhood & femininity): Anger at the self. Hatred of the body & of the feminine side. Self righteous & dogmatic thinking, critical of others. How you feel about being a woman, or about having or not having children. Do you live up to the image your mother instilled in you? Do you find femininity over burdening & hard to deal with?

FIBROSIS (Benign tumours found in the uterus): A soft tissue lump indicates thoughts & attitudes that have been suppressed for so long that they have taken a solid form. Issues relating to femininity, sexuality, motherhood. Unexpressed guilt, shame or history of abuse. Unwilling to let go of sexual inhibitions. Since the uterus is where a woman nurtures new life, there may be conflicts about nurturing, for example, giving to others while feeling unnourished yourself. A desire to keep everything the same by blocking your creative forces.

PREMENSTRUAL TENSION: Resentment towards having a menstrual cycle when having to work or resentment towards work. Struggling to prove yourself as a woman, would rather be a man. Resenting monthly reminder of being feminine. Finding it hard to flow with nature, preferring to be in control & dominate instead of submitting. Guilt, shame, lack of love for the self. Would rather not have a menstrual cycle or would rather not be working.

MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS (painful menstruation, irregular cycles, cramps, increased & heavy menstrual flow, amenorrhoea, continual menstruation): Desire to get pregnant or a fear of parenthood. An inability to surrender to the body's natural rhythms & flow, therefore, creating a blockage behind which your feelings gather. Confusion about your role as a woman. or resentment towards men. Competing against others for another person's love. Not loving yourself, & not realising that all the love you need is inside you. Rejection of one's feminine side.

ENDOMETRIOSIS/OVARIAN CYSTS (create menstrual problems & hinder pregnancy): Deep conflict of being fulfilled as a woman or expressing your femininity, or wanting to be a mother or not. Resenting the children you already have. Your femininity has been repressed or abused. You perceive that your partner is rejecting you. Repressing your sexuality. Inner conflict with creating and finding your own path.

THRUSH (Yeast-like organism which infects warm damp areas): The yeast is kept in check by the acid/alkaline balance in the vagina, but if balance is upset due to emotional causes or because of antibiotics killing the natural flora, the the yeast flourishes causing a white, foul smelling discharge.
The discharge indicates discharging unacceptable feelings. An infection implies that something is irritating you and making you angry, such as having to be intimate, or being intimate with the wrong person. Feeling sexually abused or exploited. Feelings of guilt, shame or repressed sexual feelings.

INFERTILITY: A woman's unwillingness to be like her mother. Unwillingness to go through what her mother went through. Shutting down of feminine side. Unresolved childhood abuse creating an unconscious fear of having a child. Fear the responsibility, or feeling inadequate, unable to cope, especially financially.
Believing that having a child is the only way life will have any meaning for you.

MENOPAUSE: Fearing the purpose of your existence since your role as a mother has
diminished. Fear of the ageing process and of inevitable change taking place, and that you are no longer in control of your body. Menopause is a stopping of blood flow and may mean you have stopped loving yourself, as if your feelings are drying up inside.Hot flushes may indicate the fire of anger or fear, and so the body is burning the past releasing all the old ways.

H. General
ADRENAL GLANDS (Body's ability to deal with stress): Defeatism, victim mentality, no longer caring for self. Anxiety paranoia, can't figure it out.

ADDISONS DISEASE: Needing to maintain control over everything.

KIDNEY (Fluid balance, filtration of blood, excretory function):

KIDNEY STONES: Condensed thought patterns and emotions that have not been shed, solidifying. Holding onto insecurity or sadness and unresolved grievances.

THYROID (produce hormones for growth & cell regeneration & repair, regulates metabolism, blood calcium levels & oxygen consumption, important for nerve growth):

GOITRE (Swelling of thyroid gland): Feeling that you are being choked by too many responsibilities & overwhelmed by life.

HYPERTHYROID (Increase in thyroid activity causing weight loss, irritability, nervousness, perspiration & weakness): Fear of responsibility, selfish & self centred attitude. Expressing something you wish you hadn't. Talking too much, gossiping, rage of being left out.

HYPOTHRYROID (Slowing down of thyroid activity resulting in depression, tiredness, weight increase, low body temperature): Losing the will to live. Feeling hopelessly stifled. Not expressing something & wishing you could. Unfulfilled expectation of spouse. Insecurity.

GOUT (Increase uric acid in joints & uric acid is removed by urine): Anger and being stuck - since joint is inflamed. If old emotions not released, they begin to crystallise causing rigidity & inflexibility.

BLADDER (Body's way of releasing emotions that are finished with & no longer needed): Don't want to let things out, paralysed will, timid, wishy-washy.

CYSTISIS: Burning inside because you can't get what you want. Holding onto inflamed feelings.

PROSTATE: Sexual pressure or sexual guilt. Holding back sexuality. Inability to accept pleasure. Insecurity. Mental fears weaken the masculing essence. Dogmatic thinking & critical of other. Prostate is involved in reproductive abiltiy & thus reflects concerns of ageing men. A retired male may feel he has lost his purpose as the breadwinner & perceive himself as useless & his power draining away. Can be associated with financial difficulty or fear of having material security reduced. Males that are out of touch with finding love & have difficulty in expressing these inner feelings & are using sex to find love.

TINNITUS: Reminding you to listen to what is being said rather than being distracted. Makes you focus inwards & listen to your own voice. Unwilling to hear something.

CATARACTS: Unwilling to see what lies ahead especially in the elderly. The fear of helplessness, sickness, loneliness. Withdrawing behind the cloudiness creates the illusion that nothing is changing. The person perceives there is no light in their life.

AIDS: Massive fear, major self rejection, self blame, self depreciation. Usually a long term, deep issue with the father. Person doesn't feel worthy about being alive. Allowing yourself to be controlled by what society thinks about you, thus no inner peace resulting in a weakened immune system.

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: The immune system attacks itself. The body fighting against itself, rejection of self. Feeling that your life isn't valuable. Carrying guilt, shame or blame from the past that is destroying your self esteem, self respect & self worth. Having an intense hatred of yourself. Being disappointed in yourself & overly critical of yourself.

LUPUS (Very primitive type of collagen (connective tissue) disase.): Person has self wrongness persona that can't face things & can't prioritise or order things. Very scattered consciousness trying to do too many things in order to please too many people.

LEPROSY: Comp;lete annihilation of who they are. Total self depreciation. Feeling unworthy of being around. "I hate myself, I don't want to look at myself."

POLIO: (Muscle Wasting): Withdrawal from motor expression, trying to do something that one believes is not possible & having a feeling of futility about ever acccomplishing it. Unwilling to express something or to take action.

PARKINSONS DISEASE: Fear of breaking society's rules, conditions & myths. Fear of social rejection. Perception of being humiliated in a social environment. In the stress of not getting what you want, you revert back to the reptilian stage of evolution which means a destruction of the Basal Ganglia, resulting in decreased motor control. Self righteous persona hides their self wrongness persona. Fear in not believing in what you do and say. The muscle tremor is a reaction to your guilt in not understanding that you teach what you need to learn.

EPILEPSY: Overwhelming brain noise with thousands of secondary associations of a major lie that is perceived unforgivable. An event considered unlovable that causes guilt & you're constantly reminded about it daily. Not accepting the way you do things. An internal breakdown triggered by unexpressed pressure that overloads the circuit. You are "seized" by emotion. A conflict between your inner world and the world around you. A separation between reality & your inner perception, or separation between yourself & the divine.

VERTIGO/DIZZINESS: Confusion, spinning around in consciousness. Not knowing where you are going & where to direct your energies. Not able to commit to something, going around in circles.

CHRONIC FATIGUE: Ingratitude for life. Not working on priorities. Not clear on purpose. Scattered mind. Emotionally run down & overwhelmed.

GLANDULAR FEVER: Living in the past and tiredness due to constant outflowing and not taking in new insights or ideas. Not accepting yourself, hence, not using your creativity, intuition. Being inflexible and not knowing your direction. Fear of failure.

FEVER: Not wanting to be told what to do and it makes you boil inside.

MENINGITIS (Meninges protect the brain): Core issue deals with absolute feeling of hoplessness and complete overwhelm. Entire foundation in business or relationships is shaken. Child can be overwhelmed by the parents. Feeling of futility with spouse. No support for one's purpose.

INSOMNIA: Sleep allows us to regenerate and recuperate. We sleep when we surrender to ego. Fear of what will happen without our awareness. Not trusting ourselves with others. Mind filled with doubts and fears, fear of dying. Ingratitude for the experiences and lessons of the day.

ANOREXIA: Low self worth because of guilt and shame. Longing to be loved and nurtured so person reduces their size so as to reduce the demand for that love. Diminishes a maturing teenager's sexuality, keeps the body like a child and undeveloped. Desire to escape from the reality of becoming a woman. Not loving yourself, hence self destruction.

BULIMIA: Conflict between wanting to be perfect and love for life, and self hate and guilt. Refusal to allow anything nourishing to touch you on the inside. Not knowing how to obtain spiritual growth and because you overeat you throw up what you don't need.

OBESITY: Put up physical barriers to let no one in because they don't want to face what is going on. Protecting yourself from your own illusion. Storing emotions of loneliness.

CELLULITE: Not appreciating one's own body. Issues about your sexuality. Liver metabolism problems.

FAINTING: Not wanting to face up to what you need to learn. All your plans and goals have become obsolete.

STUTTERING/DYSLEXIA: Inferiority complex and needing self acceptance. Seeking attention. Fear of taking over a fatherly, authority role.

BEDWETTING: Over-dominant parent, child trying to seek attention. Not knowing how to get what you want.

AUTISM/CEREBRAL PALSY: Infatuation by parents of the child being a genius.

ALZEHEIMER'S DISEASE (degeneration of the brain): Losing your sense of purpose especially as this disease affects the elderly. Feeling helpless, powerless, lonely. Fear about financial survival and about what lies ahead. A problem of non use, person is shutting off - "I'm not going to deal with this anymore", many times because of spouse. Resenting the fact that you don't know what to do with your life. Not willing to stand up and change your life.

SCHIZOPHRENIA: Person undergoing extremes back and forth, the split hemispheres arguing. Cannot love something in their life. Perceiving that the devil made them do it and thus looking for the saviour. Separation of good and evil, self and other. A major lie that is life threatening to them that they feel extreme fear and guilt about. Extreme exaggeration or minimisation of an event, issue or person.

photo courtesy by:jscreationzs