Wednesday, 28 March 2012


No matter how positive you can be,there are always the events and setbacks  that makes us take a backseat in our lives.I was having one of those  "if only days".You know when you're told you have to be patient about all the things you want in your life but nothing ever happens.That time goes from weeks to months to years and then eventually your patience runs out.
I had not checked my mail in a long time and then I received this mail and the words jumped right out at me like "Hey Im talking to you,I hope you're listening!!''.I felt really guilty because I am guilty of comparing.If I just had a little bit more help and ..If only I had.....then I could.. .In all of our personal relationships you can have all that you want but whats true is instead of looking at someone elses life or relationship,try looking at your own.The more time you focus on our own life you could actually have what you want.The following extract is from the email I received.Its so inspirational,I thought I'd share it.

There's an old saying: "The grass is always greener on the other side."
At some point in life, everyone looks at their circumstances and thinks,
"If only... If only I had a better job. If only my spouse were like
so-and-so. If only I had gone to college. If only I had the
opportunities so-and-so had." We look around and think everyone else has
it better than we do. But I believe comparison is just a trick of the
enemy to get us off course and keep us from God's best. Comparison is
the thief of joy, and if the enemy can steal our joy, he has stolen our
source of strength.

See, I don't believe the grass is greener on the other side; I believe

the grass is greener where you water it. In other words, we have to tend
to the things that are important to us if we want to see those areas of
our lives blossom and grow. If you want better relationships, you have
to invest in the people around you. If you want a better job, you have
to invest in your skill set to qualify for that job and then go after it.

We all have the capacity to come up higher. God has given us all
tremendous opportunities, but if we are focused on what everyone else
has, we'll miss out on what God has especially for us!

Today, instead of comparing, decide to cultivate the dry, follow areas
of your life. Begin to water and invest in the areas in which you want
to see change."
photo courtesy  by scottchan

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