A kiss and a hug,a warm smile,a love letter,receiving a single flower.All these, are acts of love and its free.So why do we spend so much time thinking on superficial things on relationship glitches that takes up so much time in our mind.I was watching a movie and I saw someone receiving a kiss and in that moment I instantly recognized the simple things we take for granted.When we have it we don't want it,when we don't have it we want it.The amount of happiness a single kiss or hug can bring is beautiful.Its a feeling of love we all can have ,if we see it in the moment for more than what it just is...
Do you realize the simple things in life is what makes us fall in love.Imagine if we could remember what we first encountered with a person and remembered it everyday,I bet most divorced couples wouldn't be divorced by now if they went back to the day simple started.Those same simple things in life happens all over again till you find a new smile,a new hug and more flowers.It really gets down to being simple again.Our stressful lives is with too much living in it with all the wrong living styles,text messaging and tablets,flat screens and mp3 players all day long.I really do believe simplicity will bring you back to love.We tend to take everything and everyone for granted.My simple rule for simple living is if you love someone look at them when you're talking and not away at your newspaper,your electronic devices or talking on your phone with two people,one in your ear and one in the air.When people fall in love its all about the eye contact,you never forget the first time you seen something or someone so beautiful remembering their exact colour of their eyes.Who could forget it?
When you fail to look,.you fail to see and when you fail to see,you also don't see love anymore.Get back to simplicity appreciating every single thing and person around you and you will start to see life with brand new eyes.Whenever I see two old people holding hands ,there's a smile on their face like their relationship just started.I look at them and think maybe they realized it was time to get back to simple.We think that we know more than the old in a techny savy world, but really it is they who know more .When cellphone networks are crashing and people's thumbs stop moving, that's heaven saying don't forget you still have hugs and kisses:*
photo courtesy by photostock and Arvind Balaraman
A kiss and a hug,a warm smile,a love letter,receiving a single flower.All these, are acts of love and its free.So why do we spend so much time thinking on superficial things on relationship glitches that takes up so much time in our mind.I was watching a movie and I saw someone receiving a kiss and in that moment I instantly recognized the simple things we take for granted.When we have it we don't want it,when we don't have it we want it.The amount of happiness a single kiss or hug can bring is beautiful.Its a feeling of love we all can have ,if we see it in the moment for more than what it just is...
Do you realize the simple things in life is what makes us fall in love.Imagine if we could remember what we first encountered with a person and remembered it everyday,I bet most divorced couples wouldn't be divorced by now if they went back to the day simple started.Those same simple things in life happens all over again till you find a new smile,a new hug and more flowers.It really gets down to being simple again.Our stressful lives is with too much living in it with all the wrong living styles,text messaging and tablets,flat screens and mp3 players all day long.I really do believe simplicity will bring you back to love.We tend to take everything and everyone for granted.My simple rule for simple living is if you love someone look at them when you're talking and not away at your newspaper,your electronic devices or talking on your phone with two people,one in your ear and one in the air.When people fall in love its all about the eye contact,you never forget the first time you seen something or someone so beautiful remembering their exact colour of their eyes.Who could forget it?
When you fail to look,.you fail to see and when you fail to see,you also don't see love anymore.Get back to simplicity appreciating every single thing and person around you and you will start to see life with brand new eyes.Whenever I see two old people holding hands ,there's a smile on their face like their relationship just started.I look at them and think maybe they realized it was time to get back to simple.We think that we know more than the old in a techny savy world, but really it is they who know more .When cellphone networks are crashing and people's thumbs stop moving, that's heaven saying don't forget you still have hugs and kisses:*
photo courtesy by photostock and Arvind Balaraman