Is there really such a thing as chance or do we just have the appearance of chance and everything is orchestrated to get us to the point of where we were meant to be?Did you ever lose your keys only to get so late that you were late for work but also missed a huge accident?.Did you get stuck in traffic only to realize that if it were not for the traffic you would have been killed in a terrorist attack?When I think about the September 911 incident I think about all the detours that were put in place so that the people who were meant to survive were delayed that day in various ways for some reason.
Last night I watched a movie on tv ''THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU'' starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.Totally magnificent movie,which is put in the SCI-FI THRILLER category.The Bureau is a group of people,I 'd like to think they are from another portal,maybe intelligent aliens that we cant really understand in this point in time, who adjusts events so that mistakes or accidents happen to alter the destinations or so called life paths of this 2 individuals.However they are willing to sacrifice all the plans that was pre-set for them just so that they can be together.Ok I just spoiled the ending for you but it s a great movie to get you thinking WHO IS CHANCE?Is chance God,Is chance our guardian angels,is chance just coincidences,but how does a scene in our lives repeat itself so that at some time we are at the exact time in the exact place no matter where in the world we are to meet an important person so that it could complete the ''meeting".What we do with that meeting is entirely up to us but you cant help but wonder how hard ''CHANCE'' was working to clear the path so that a particular event could happen
Remember the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE when Michael J fox had to go back to the past to reset the events to help get his parents to meet.Several times it almost didnt happen.It makes you wonder how hard CHANCE tries so that if it does not happen the first time for some odd reason,the timing is re-orchestrated again so that 2 individuals can meet again of which we are unaware of.Michael J fox saw himself disappearing on the photograph and knew he had to get his parents together.It was a fighting task.So the next time you're complaining in traffic just calm down and think that maybe'' CHANCE'' is busy working their magic for someone else.
The great thing I've learned is that when we are willing to risk everything,fame,money just to live life and share it with someone else that we think has changed us for the better then life is so much more valued and worth living.If you listen to the stories of old people,its the only advice you'll need.When you get to that age,when you've been there,done that,seen and experienced life then the material way of life is a waste of time.Old people will tell you but you dont need to be old to realize it,you can start living right now and appreciating everything that comes your way:)I always say hugs and kisses are free,take it.
Is there really such a thing as chance or do we just have the appearance of chance and everything is orchestrated to get us to the point of where we were meant to be?Did you ever lose your keys only to get so late that you were late for work but also missed a huge accident?.Did you get stuck in traffic only to realize that if it were not for the traffic you would have been killed in a terrorist attack?When I think about the September 911 incident I think about all the detours that were put in place so that the people who were meant to survive were delayed that day in various ways for some reason.
Remember the movie BACK TO THE FUTURE when Michael J fox had to go back to the past to reset the events to help get his parents to meet.Several times it almost didnt happen.It makes you wonder how hard CHANCE tries so that if it does not happen the first time for some odd reason,the timing is re-orchestrated again so that 2 individuals can meet again of which we are unaware of.Michael J fox saw himself disappearing on the photograph and knew he had to get his parents together.It was a fighting task.So the next time you're complaining in traffic just calm down and think that maybe'' CHANCE'' is busy working their magic for someone else.
The great thing I've learned is that when we are willing to risk everything,fame,money just to live life and share it with someone else that we think has changed us for the better then life is so much more valued and worth living.If you listen to the stories of old people,its the only advice you'll need.When you get to that age,when you've been there,done that,seen and experienced life then the material way of life is a waste of time.Old people will tell you but you dont need to be old to realize it,you can start living right now and appreciating everything that comes your way:)I always say hugs and kisses are free,take it.