Tuesday, 21 February 2012



2012 is a karmic year as astrologists and spiritual mentors predict.They say for every action there is a re-action.It is a year full of postives and equally negative.So if you have been working very hard the previous years,2012 is the year you will reap the prosperity that is due to you.It is also the year that if you have not been good with the people around you,strange and unlucky things could come your way.You see the universe is like a scale and good and bad is always in balance.Some people dont believe in karmic patterns because of their faith but how I like to see it that bad things dont just happen to you straight away but eventually what you put out in the world you will get it back.The cause of the earths bad state is another example.We pollute the earth with carbon monoxide with no care in the world.We bulldoze precious land to erect more and more buildings.We are all hurrying to work busy living our lives.All of a sudden a massive earthquake strikes or a hurricane forces its way destructing everything in its path.Why do we care only when a disaster occurs.?Years and years go by when we  ignore that the earth is in need of severe help.When these disasters happen ,the earth is trying to put itself back together ,back in balance from the damage that was caused by the human race from previous years.

Relationships very well work the same way.When you both enter a relationship wholeheartedly with loving someone as your intention I dont think you are in a karmic relationship.Sometimes relationships dont work out because people can change as they grow into a new person.Relationships teaches us things about ourselves that we need to know.Here relationships help us to grow into the people we need to be.

There are also relationships that you enter into when people are mean not to mention selfish and this is a karmic relationship that we are talking about.The people that take for granted the love that was given to them in that relationship not realizing the pain they caused to someone else whilst using them and cheating on their partners.Ever heard the term"what goes around comes around"?

Below is some examples of how some people seen karma play out against their partners
when they had been in a relationship.

I believe karma does exist, but it doesn't happen necessarily in the timing or the way we want it to. Not in the short term anyway. I say just look at the way this has played out and a similar scenario will eventually happen:

He left you for her, but already tried to cheat on her. She left her long-term boyfriend for him. So IMHO chances are very good they will have a miserable, nasty relationship with cheating and double-dealing on both ends and they will break up. That will be his karma. And you deserve better

My own personal karma-comes-true stories:

1) My first boyfriend cheated on me constantly and broke up with me for some skank he picked up at a bar one night. Turns out she is nuts, tried to move into his apartment after 3 weeks, and came back and broke in when he kicked her out. They broke up, and a year later a court summons appears at his house ordering him to give a DNA sample for a paternity test. Turns out the kid is his, the woman is still nuts, and he is paying child support for a son he never sees and has to deal with this fruitcake of a woman for 18 years. I would find this situation extremely funny except I feel sorry for the kid.

2) Another boyfriend broke up with me over the phone after a 2 year relationship after meeting and cheating with a new girl. He of course starts cheating on the new girl with a 3rd girl, who
is jealous of the girlfriend and starts emailing her and calling her at work telling them all about this. He talks his way out of it and gets engaged to the girlfriend. Six months later at their engagement party this girl he was STILL cheating with shows up with pictures and video footage of them doing the nasty. In front of all the family and friends. Girlfriend breaks off the engagement and pawns the very expensive ring and takes a trip with another guy.

So karma will come around, trust me. You will get over this and find someone who treats you well and you will be in a happy relationship. It might take some time, but you will get there.

And on a fellow shallow note, my current ex's new girlfriend bears a strong resemblance to a horse and seriously needs an eyebrow wax in the worst way.

hey i feel for you on this...yup same stuff, my girl of 3.5 years left me for some older guy who had a lady too. during the last moments of our relationship, she claimed he treated her right, blah blah blah. funny part is he told her that every girl that he was with cheated on him, even with the one he was with at the time. sad part is, he cheating behind her back? doesn't make any real sense at all does it?! dude was knows how to play the game right! sorry to bore you with my ish, just venting out.

yes, karma will happen. but its something you shouldn't expect. it'll come on its own. stuff happens for a reason right? and then karma kicks in for a reason!? well to give you an insight, it happened to one of my guy friends and my ex-friend who is my ex's "bestfriend". about a year ago they were together happy and what not. then towards the end of march, they split due to the girl being insecure and immature for her age and he just didn't want to deal with it anymore.instead of talking it out and trying to fix things, he just walk out. she being 18 and my friend 21. well for about 2 1/2 months, she became very depressed and very sad. he was supposedly fine and what not, and just living his life. well from what he told me, he meet someone and ended up sleeping with her. in one night it hits him, and he realize he made a mistake and wanted to try again. well turns out she meet some older guy 28 through friends and they ended up hooking up. on her graduation, he tried to talk to her and tell her he made a mistake, but i guess it was too late. she already told him that she meet another guy, and she couldn't just wait around for him. so i guess for my friend sleeping with one girl for him to realize became his karma. so yeah thats a story for you.     

Oh the universe has a strange way to balance good and evil.

My friend cheated on his gf on their anniversary and he thought it was really funny...He told her that he had cheated and broke up with her.

Well in is next relationship, my friend got cheated on on valentine's day!!! She told him and she dumped him for the other guy...

So yeah, somehow strage stuff like this happens. I say do good eveywhere you go and it will flow back to you. But be evil and it will eventually bite you hard in the bum!

I belive in karma very strongly. I have had a few thing's happen to me.

1) Back in highschool I took a cd player from someone and they had to call the schools police guard to ask for me to give it back. The next year I let a friend borrow my CD player and they never give it back. I called the police guard and I never got it back but they payed for it -$20 It's stupid But I realized that it was to similar situation and that I should look out for karmic wrath.

2) I started going out with someone for the wrong reason.
I didn't want to hurt this guy's feelings and I said yes with out really meaning it. I never spoke to him and we where pretty much not together and I kissed another guy on the lips. Of course I broke up with the other guy being that we werent really going out. 6 years later my now current ex-boyfriend and I where about to break up and he kisses some chick on the lips and tell me "i was going to break up with you anyway" and that one really hurt and it still does it just happened recently and we where together for 4.5 years...so thats more than 3 fold karmic wrath right there. Maybe it really hurt that guy in some way.

3) My "first" (i was 16) pretty much whent out with me to get the sex thing over with and out of the way and pretty much used me. His next girlfriend did they same to him and stoled a cupple of things from his house.

For some reason this guy broke up with me on New years in 2001.. 6 years later my HS sweetheart breaks up with me on new years...I really don't know what it is about new years.. but I just seem to be really unlucky around this time. So I do belive in cycles and karma after all we are connected to this world even if you don't belive it.

I have had a lot of things happen like this so I do belive in karma and that it comes back 2-3 fold. I try to be the best person possible because somehow it does come back. I guess these aren't all about relationships but I think they are pretty good examples of some "in your face" ones. I'm only 21 and this right now has been the worst breakup ever... I hope the last.. and I don't wish him something horrible.. I hope he finds himself and knows what he wants from life.. if we are ment to be together maybe later in life we will meet again. No more wishing harm on others for me...Karma is real...     

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Believe in karma now?
photo courtesy:by graur razvan ionut

Wednesday, 15 February 2012



I was watching a movie the other day where a younger guy asked an older guy for relationship tips.The older guy goes on to say that there is no way that you can lose if you really want to be with someone.Whether you want a girl to like you or love you,the most important thing is to show interest in her.You have to learn to know her

"How do you show interest in someone asked the younger guy?There is so many guys competing to be with her I don't 'know if I can get her attention or even try to compete with these other guys.All the other guys have flashy cars  and throwing money at her. I cant seem to compete with something like that.

The older guy says" its not about how much money you have but what you do with the money that you do have thats important.The older guy said I was married to my wife for 55 years.My wife has now died but I will never forget the love we had.It was very simple but very meaningful.I always thought that I needed to compete with somebody else for her love,but really she only ever wanted me to be myself and show it to her .

"But I am myself,I dont think she can like me over a richer guy said the younger guy.

"You're wrong said the older guy.When you ask a girl out for coffee.Do you notice what she orders?Is it black coffee,is it a Cappuccino.Is it one sugar,two or three?Does she have coffee without sugar?There's alot you can learn on a first date.How is your manners?Are you taking her out for coffee?First dates are alot like business meetings.You have just one chance to prove yourself.If you are not successful she wont be meeting you for a second cup of coffee.Á first date is very much like a business meeting.Women decide on the first date if they will be seeing you again on a second date.

"How do you get a second date asked the younger guy.?
''You tell me said the older guy.What have you learned from what I'm telling you.
''Err get her a cup of.....coffee?asked the younger guy?

''Yes something like that said the older guy.You have to gather information from what you seen.If she would like to see you on a second date.Order her coffee before she does or just before she can arrive.So if it was a coffee with 2 sugars.She will know that you took the time to learn something about her and you remembered it.You don't need all the money in the world to do something like this.I'm sure she would appreciate what you did than to someone who just paid the bill but knows nothing about her.

So in 55 years we learned things about each other but most importantly we remembered it.I know what she likes and she knows what I like.A woman wants that you know things about her,and you have to find out by watching her.You cant be all ignorant and expect her to just like you.All you have to do is just watch her and give her what you see she likes.If she drinks a coffee with 2 sugars,give her a coffee with 2 sugars.Ít's that simple.Following the natural order of things.Back then we didn't have Facebook,twitter, myspace,his space ,her space.We just relied on pure determination to succeed to get what we wanted.At some point in your life,if you want something you have to go get it yourself.You cant rely on other people or even technology.Good old fashioned straight up face to face talk.You can never go wrong,just don't let fear come in between your chance to love.''

photo courtesy of: Stuart Miles