What makes us attractive women?It's not only based on what we look like.Many times men love who we really are.I was reading Eckhart Tolle's A NEW EARTH, and came across this passage which fits perfectly with why women feel the need to gossip.Gossiping is what all women love but when does it start to be an unattractive thing for men?A woman has two parts to her,the attractive intellectual self and the egotistical self.Many men are attracted to the attractive intellectual self of a woman.Who is this egotistical self of a woman that feels the need to talk about and find a complaint on anything and everything.Women who find the need to complain and gossip is usually using more of their egostical self than their real self.Men hate women who do this as they project it as who they really are which women dont realize it.We all know our mothers,sisters and best friends,we love them dearly yet other people cant stand them.Ever wondered why?Its their egotistical self ,their exterior self that they project in their workplace,to their female co-workers and friends.Men dont like cattiness nor do they find this trait attractive in women.The true self of a woman is the self that they let their partners in on.How can a woman who gossips be loved by any man?This is the self that they show only to people they love.What is the solution,to stop gossiping,when you stop gossiping,you silence your ego self who says how dare you be better than me and beat my sales,how dare you look better than me,how dare you have a boyfriend yet im still single,what about me me me?This is true for celebrities too.Who we think they ought to be is not who they are,they have their acting self and then their real self.Many women want to be with the attention of who they are as a public celebrity figure,but not their real self.How sad is that.
Why women should stop gossiping.It serves no one a purpose.When you become real,the world of love and opportunities opens up to you.Read the extract from A NEW EARTH which will help you identify the real me self vs the ego self
What makes us attractive women?It's not only based on what we look like.Many times men love who we really are.I was reading Eckhart Tolle's A NEW EARTH, and came across this passage which fits perfectly with why women feel the need to gossip.Gossiping is what all women love but when does it start to be an unattractive thing for men?A woman has two parts to her,the attractive intellectual self and the egotistical self.Many men are attracted to the attractive intellectual self of a woman.Who is this egotistical self of a woman that feels the need to talk about and find a complaint on anything and everything.Women who find the need to complain and gossip is usually using more of their egostical self than their real self.Men hate women who do this as they project it as who they really are which women dont realize it.We all know our mothers,sisters and best friends,we love them dearly yet other people cant stand them.Ever wondered why?Its their egotistical self ,their exterior self that they project in their workplace,to their female co-workers and friends.Men dont like cattiness nor do they find this trait attractive in women.The true self of a woman is the self that they let their partners in on.How can a woman who gossips be loved by any man?This is the self that they show only to people they love.What is the solution,to stop gossiping,when you stop gossiping,you silence your ego self who says how dare you be better than me and beat my sales,how dare you look better than me,how dare you have a boyfriend yet im still single,what about me me me?This is true for celebrities too.Who we think they ought to be is not who they are,they have their acting self and then their real self.Many women want to be with the attention of who they are as a public celebrity figure,but not their real self.How sad is that.
Why women should stop gossiping.It serves no one a purpose.When you become real,the world of love and opportunities opens up to you.Read the extract from A NEW EARTH which will help you identify the real me self vs the ego self
"There are many subtle but easily overlooked forms of ego that you
may observe in other people and, more important, in yourself. Remember:
The moment you become aware of the ego in yourself, that emerging
awareness is who you are beyond ego, the deeper “I.” The recognition of the
false is already the arising of the real.
For example, you are about to tell someone the news of what
happened. “Guess what? You don't know yet? Let me tell you.” If you are
alert enough, present enough, you may be able to detect a momentary sense
of satisfaction within yourself just before imparting the news, even if it is bad
news. It is due to the fact that for a brief moment there is, in the eyes of the
ego, an imbalance in your favor between you and the other person. For that
brief moment, you know more than the other. The satisfaction that you feel is
of the ego, and it is derived from feeling a stronger sense of self relative to
the other person. Even if he or she is the president or the pope, you feel
superior in that moment because you know more. Many people are addicted
to gossiping partly for this reason. In addition, gossiping often carries an
element of malicious criticism and judgment of others, and so it also
strengthens the ego through the implied but imagined moral superiority that
is there whenever you apply a negative judgment to anyone.
If someone has more, knows more, or can do more than I, the ego
feels threatened because the feeling of “less” diminishes its imagined sense
of self relative to the other. It may then try to restore itself by somehow
diminishing, criticizing, or belittling the value of the other person's
possessions, knowledge, or abilities. Or the ego may shift its strategy, and
instead of competing with the other person, it will enhance itself by
association with that person, if he or she is important in the eyes of others.
The wellknown
phenomenon of “name dropping,” the casual mention
of who you know, is part of the ego's strategy of gaining a superior identity
in the eyes of others and therefore in its own eyes through association with
someone “important.” The bane of being famous in this world is that who
you are becomes totally obscured by a collective mental image. Most people
you meet want to enhance their identity – the mental image of who they are
– through association with you. They themselves may not know that they are
not interested in you at all but only in strengthening their ultimately fictitious
sense of self. They believe that through you they can be more. They are
looking to complete themselves through you, or rather through the mental
image they have of you as a famous person, a largerthanlife
conceptual identity.The absurd overvaluation of fame is just one of the many
manifestations of egoic madness in our world. Some famous people fall into
the same error and identify with the collective fiction, the image people and
the media have created of them, and they begin to actually see themselves as
superior to ordinary mortals. As a result, they become more and more
alienated from themselves and others, more and more unhappy, more and
more dependent on their continuing popularity. Surrounded only by people
who feed their inflated selfimage,they become incapable of genuine relationships.
Albert Einstein, who was admired as almost superhuman and whose
fate it was to become one of the most famous people on the planet, never
identified with the image the collective mind had created of him. He
remained humble, egoless. In fact, he spoke of “a grotesque contradiction
between what people consider to be my achievements and abilities and the
reality of who I am and what I am capable of.”5
This is why it is hard for a famous person to be in a genuine
relationship with others. A genuine relationship is one that is not dominated
by the ego with its imagemaking and selfseeking.
In a genuine relationship,there is an outward flow of open, alert attention toward the other person in
which there is no wanting whatsoever. That alert attention is Presence. It is
the prerequisite of any authentic relationship. The ego always either wants
something, or if it believes there is nothing to get from the other, it is in a
state of utter indifference: It doesn't care about you. And so, the three
predominant states of egoic relationship are: wanting, thwarted wanting(anger, resentment, blaming, complaining), and indifference."
PHOTO COURTESY by <p><a href="">Image: Stuart Miles /</a></p>
I have known some real nasty gossips in my time who spread not only gossip to other but cause trouble by their gossiping. And to be quite honest they weren't all women one couple a husband and wife where so nosey they went out of their way to find out what was going on in their neighbourhood and then spread rumours about some particular people. I think the husband was a bigger gossip than the wife. He was told something in confidence by a friend and before you knew it he had spread it all around the area where he lived. I soon cottoned onto them and kept my distance I don't tell them anything now as I don't want my business broadcast all around the place.