Over these past few weeks I have come across movies,and sayings on not giving up on love.We talk so much about love but I don't think we all stop to really look at love.Love is the reason why we all are here.Love is the reason why we exist,love is the reason why we go after our passions.Love is also the reason that gives us our new families that has been created from Love.Most people get into relationships but don't honour the commitment of love.
Yesterday I went for a wedding and the priest iniating the wedding ceremony went into details of the importance of the vows one makes to another.He went on to say that a woman or female is holy and if you grow up respecting your mother then you will understand why it is important to respect your wife.If you do not respect your mother,and treat her as your doormat you will not respect your wife and treat her in the same way.Your partner is your equal and together you are one.You are a union.The combination of 1+1=2 but when you look at 2 souls that come together and share a journey together,two paths now become one1+1=1.Love has no religion,and although this was what a priest was saying ,his words was honest and genuine and very true and surpassed me as something relgious.Many people say the vows,but are not spiritually connected to it.Marriage is not easy and it takes time for 2 souls to understand each other yet alone live with each other.Love is growing with each other through all the difficulties of life.This is why one should not give up on love.In our challenges in love and marriage,we should honour our vows and promises that will guide us in the correct path.During thoughts of infidelity's,there is always a conscience that is asking us questions if what we are doing now will make us regret or be proud of tomorrow.If everyday you question the reactions of actions you wont stray from your path.Sometimes stress of life can take a toll on a person and change their moods which causes one to lash out against their loved ones or do something that could damage a relationship with no repair.Trust and respect which is the most important ingrediants to a happy relationship will not cause you to give up on love.Real love does not come easy and those who do not give up on love, really do love with all their heart and is what an example of real love is.It is through difficulties that is needed.that sometimes help to show you, your own individual strengths and accomplishments in your relationships.People who go on to love, helping each other through their own weaknessess is to be commended on their bravery in Love.Yesterday I watched this movie called,the lost valentine starring Betty White of how she dealt with Love and how she didnt give up on love either.Love always deserves a chance like a growing tree.When you plant the seeds today,you cant expect a beautiful blooming tree tomorrow.Love is the same,it needs lots of patience,nurturing and love in order to see results.Before you decide to give up on love,look at yourself and ask yourself if you have respected your other half that you chose on this journey with you enough.Have you tried been kind to yourself and then others.If you want kindness to touch your heart you have to be giving it in bundles before you can receive it too.Like always attract like,and anger and hatred attracts the same.Actions towards us is first actions towards others Emotions is always a mirror reflection of what we give out first.If you give out love, love attracts love and there would be no reason on why you would be needing to give up on love
photo courtesy by FEELART
Over these past few weeks I have come across movies,and sayings on not giving up on love.We talk so much about love but I don't think we all stop to really look at love.Love is the reason why we all are here.Love is the reason why we exist,love is the reason why we go after our passions.Love is also the reason that gives us our new families that has been created from Love.Most people get into relationships but don't honour the commitment of love.
Yesterday I went for a wedding and the priest iniating the wedding ceremony went into details of the importance of the vows one makes to another.He went on to say that a woman or female is holy and if you grow up respecting your mother then you will understand why it is important to respect your wife.If you do not respect your mother,and treat her as your doormat you will not respect your wife and treat her in the same way.Your partner is your equal and together you are one.You are a union.The combination of 1+1=2 but when you look at 2 souls that come together and share a journey together,two paths now become one1+1=1.Love has no religion,and although this was what a priest was saying ,his words was honest and genuine and very true and surpassed me as something relgious.Many people say the vows,but are not spiritually connected to it.Marriage is not easy and it takes time for 2 souls to understand each other yet alone live with each other.Love is growing with each other through all the difficulties of life.This is why one should not give up on love.In our challenges in love and marriage,we should honour our vows and promises that will guide us in the correct path.During thoughts of infidelity's,there is always a conscience that is asking us questions if what we are doing now will make us regret or be proud of tomorrow.If everyday you question the reactions of actions you wont stray from your path.Sometimes stress of life can take a toll on a person and change their moods which causes one to lash out against their loved ones or do something that could damage a relationship with no repair.Trust and respect which is the most important ingrediants to a happy relationship will not cause you to give up on love.Real love does not come easy and those who do not give up on love, really do love with all their heart and is what an example of real love is.It is through difficulties that is needed.that sometimes help to show you, your own individual strengths and accomplishments in your relationships.People who go on to love, helping each other through their own weaknessess is to be commended on their bravery in Love.Yesterday I watched this movie called,the lost valentine starring Betty White of how she dealt with Love and how she didnt give up on love either.Love always deserves a chance like a growing tree.When you plant the seeds today,you cant expect a beautiful blooming tree tomorrow.Love is the same,it needs lots of patience,nurturing and love in order to see results.Before you decide to give up on love,look at yourself and ask yourself if you have respected your other half that you chose on this journey with you enough.Have you tried been kind to yourself and then others.If you want kindness to touch your heart you have to be giving it in bundles before you can receive it too.Like always attract like,and anger and hatred attracts the same.Actions towards us is first actions towards others Emotions is always a mirror reflection of what we give out first.If you give out love, love attracts love and there would be no reason on why you would be needing to give up on love
photo courtesy by FEELART