Thursday 22 January 2015


The Cars:Drive
By Cynaid Cree

I was sitting having lunch watching bits and pieces of the sitcom ''Everybody Hates Chris''
Then this song came on that I absolutely loved.I used to hear it always on the radio but I never knew who was the artist.A day passed by and thinking I could remember the lyrics and finally search for it which I could not.I started searching for the episodes of ''Everybody hates Chris'' just to find it.I ended up watching the wrong episode and never found it all.I told my sister that It was driving me crazy not knowing who the artist or title of that song was.

She started searching the internet .She watched the same episode as me, that she also thought it was on.
Then we went for an episode before that.We watched the whole episode and at last at the very end we heard the song.We got very excited coming to the end of our we didn't know the title and started singing out t the lyrics to search for this title and try to see if we found anything.TA-DAH!!!

The artist was ''The Cars'' with the Title ''Drive''
Now when you hear this song,it will certainly take you to another dimension.The lyrics are very powerful and I tried searching everybody's take on the song because the video is very confusing.Its about someone going through a drinking addiction by the''happy hour'' sign in the video and experiencing withdrawal symptoms or it could be Schizophrenia.

who's gonna tell you when
it's too late
who's gonna tell you things
aren't so great
you can't go on
thinking nothing's wrong
who's gonna drive you home tonight

who's gonna pick you up
when you fall
who's gonna hang it up
when you call
who's gonna pay attention
to your dreams
who's gonna plug their ears
when you scream

you can't go on
thinking nothing's wrong
who's gonna drive you home tonight

who's gonna hold you down
when you shake
who's gonna come around
when you break
I think music is there to inspire you and you can interpret it however you wish.
The lyrics are very powerful and for me without seeing the video.My interpretation is about relationships and not taking it for granted.You cannot go through life alone.It does not have to be a romantic relationship but relationships with people in our lives are very important.There is always going to be one or a few people that are put into our life to make us stronger individuals.Sometimes we face very hard obstacles that we cannot process on our own and we do need the advice and help of other important people that helps us to come to the decisions in our lives.To me the lyrics simply mean ''You cant go on'' meaning you cant go along in life making bad decisions and thinking it wont come back to bite you.In this song to me somebody is reminding you the value of them being in your life.Who is going to be there worrying about you if they are not the ones worrying about you.In the moment you cannot see clearly what you really have or want.We all need that person to come home to,to tell you how was their day,to ask you how was your day . A person genuinely concerned for somebody Else's well being.We all need somebody to help pick us up when our world is falling down.Every person needs the strength of another person.These important people are in our lives to listen to our dreams and help our dreams come true.These special people are the people in your life when you are that nobody before you come to that ''somebody'' in life.These people are our reminder and balance in life.In the times when the pressures of life are too much,we need somebody to confide in and somebody's embrace to cry in.We also need that person when we go through a nervous breakdown in life.
This song is a powerful reminder of all the people that stand by your side.So appreciate those relationships,stay loyal and be the strength to somebody else and these attributes is what we are here on earth for.Being there for each other through our learning in this life.Life is a beautiful experience more so when we have beautiful people around us taking each step the good and the bad together.

I would love to hear your interpretation of the song or experience.Drop me a comment.
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Wednesday 9 October 2013


By Cynaid Cree

A powerful message to get on track in your relationships.


By Cynaid Cree
Here is the second part of the video,Breaking your own heart part 2


By Cynaid Cree
I came across this powerful video that I wanted to share with you all.

Sunday 20 January 2013



What would you do if the person you spent all your life loving  wakes up one day and does not remember you anymore.Did you ever make a vow to your partner if one day I forget you,remind me why I should not forget and give up?What would you do if they dont remember how you met or what it was like to fall in love.What would you do if all your silly moments could not be remembered.How do you make someone fall in love with you again when you seem like a complete stranger to them.All the years of sweet communication is dust.Your partner looks at you with new inquisitive blunt eyes.The stare hardens your heart to think that someone you loved so much means absolutely nothing to them as they go on with their day trying to put the pieces back together giving you blank stares that lacks love.There is no relationship anymore and the union of a perfect marriage is over.How would you handle such a situation if it really happened.Luckily what Im saying is the storyline of a movie that I watched this week called ''THE VOW''

If you ever want to know what love is and how to go about it in life,you should definitely watch this movie.It will show you that when tragedy strikes,its these events that it puts your life into perspective.If you watched this movie you would then realize that there is no need to wait for tragedy to strike and that if we live consciously in the now as if it was the last, we would not be so easily persuaded to give up no matter how hard life got and what challenges stood before us.
 photo:google images

Monday 24 December 2012


Over these past few weeks I have come across movies,and sayings on not giving up on love.We talk so much about love but I don't think we all stop to really look at love.Love is the reason why we all are here.Love is the reason why we exist,love is the reason why we go after our passions.Love is also the reason that gives us our new families that has been created from Love.Most people get into relationships but don't honour the commitment of love.

Yesterday I went for a wedding and  the priest iniating the wedding ceremony went into details of the importance of the vows one makes to another.He went on to say that a woman or female is holy and if you grow up respecting your mother then you will understand why it is important to respect your wife.If you do not respect your mother,and treat her as your doormat you will not respect your wife and treat her in the same way.Your partner is your equal and together you are one.You are a union.The combination of 1+1=2 but when you look at 2 souls that come together and share a journey together,two paths now become one1+1=1.Love has no religion,and although this was what a priest was saying ,his words was honest and genuine and very true and surpassed me as something relgious.Many people say the vows,but are not spiritually connected to it.Marriage is not easy and it takes time for 2 souls to understand each other yet alone live with each other.Love is growing with each other through all the difficulties of life.This is why one should not give up on love.In our challenges in love and marriage,we should honour our vows and promises that will guide us in the correct path.During thoughts of infidelity's,there is always a conscience  that is asking us questions if what we are doing now will make us regret or be proud of tomorrow.If everyday you question the reactions of actions you wont stray from your path.Sometimes stress of life can take a toll on a person and change their moods which causes one to lash out against their loved ones or do something that could damage a relationship with no repair.Trust and respect which is the most important ingrediants to a happy relationship will not cause you to give up on love.Real love does not come easy and those who do not give up on love, really do love with all their heart and is what an example of real love is.It is through difficulties that is needed.that sometimes  help to show you, your own individual strengths and accomplishments in your relationships.People who go on to love, helping each other through their own weaknessess is to be commended on their bravery in Love.Yesterday I watched this movie called,the lost valentine starring Betty White of how she dealt with Love and how she didnt give up on love either.Love always deserves a chance like a growing tree.When you plant the seeds today,you cant expect a beautiful blooming tree tomorrow.Love is the same,it needs lots of patience,nurturing and love in order to see results.Before you decide to give up on love,look at yourself and ask yourself if you have respected your other half that you chose on this journey with you enough.Have you tried been kind to yourself and then others.If you want kindness to touch your heart you have to be giving it in bundles before you can receive it too.Like always attract like,and anger and hatred attracts the same.Actions towards us is first actions towards others Emotions is always a mirror reflection of what we give out first.If you give out love, love attracts love and there would be no reason on why you would be needing to give up on love

photo courtesy by FEELART

Saturday 17 November 2012


Many people get married and dream to get married because their parents did and their grandparents did.A long time ago marriage meant that you was going to be a wife and mother, and take care of your household,Now marriage does not hold the same view.Now couples are marrying much later in their lives.A man or a woman will share household duties,share taking care of the kids and both a man and a woman work and share the bills.Marriage used to be more a customary thing,but now marriage is a law thing and compulsory in getting a town house and qualifies entry on asset purchases.In some countries marriages is not necessary.Just living with someone qualifies them in receiving support if they wish to separate and need spousal support if children are involved.

Lets look more about the defintions and types of marriage
The word "marriage" derives from Middle English mariage, which first appears in 1250–1300 CE This in turn is derived from Old French marier (to marry) and ultimately Latin marītāre meaning to provide with a husband or wife and marītāri meaning to get married. (The adjective marīt-us -a, -um meaning matrimonial or nuptial could also be used in the masculine form as a noun for "husband" and in the feminine form for "wife

People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, being in love, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious. Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. The act of marriage usually creates normative or legal obligations between the individuals involved. Some cultures allow the dissolution of marriage through divorce or annulment. Polygamous marriages may also occur in spite of national laws.
Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community or peers. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution irrespective of religious affiliation, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. Forced marriages are illegal in some jurisdictions

I doubt marriage will exist in the far future if so just a minority.It will be a culture shock to those of us that are already married or plan to.Due to expensive divorces people are looking into alternate planning to look after their nest egg that they built for themselves.I often wonder how the world will be from now and often think people wont place that much emphasis in getting married.I also think many people will retain their surnames as more people  become professionals eg,doctors and lawyers or even entertainment.Most professionals  wait much later to get married and are not married when they have practices and prefer to keep their identity and have separate bank accounts than joint accounts.People getting married are just adding on their partners surname to their existing surname as not to lose their identity which they had before they got married.There is some people that take on their husbands surname as their own personal preference but I do think in the far future keeping your own name will be a norm.Visit the link worldwide traditions which gives an insight into the different types of wedding traditions around the world.I think the traditional aspect of the weddings and cultures incorporated into a union will exist but not a legal binding document of marriage in the future.